Need some help pls

on 7/7/11 3:06 am - NY
Having problems coming up with a full days menu that actually gets in the protein I need. I am 6 weeks out and the weight is SLOWLY coming off. I am having problems getting in proteins and liquids. I would like to ask for help from ppl with an actual daily menu that shows where the protein and liquids come in. My NUT doesnt want me to use shakes to get the protein in. She wants me to eat actual food. And I don't understand how to just get everything in. Thank you for any advice. I have a feeling the weightloss is slow becuz I am not getting in everything I need. And want to give everything a boost and get on the right path... so I stay healthy. Again thank you for any help!!!
H.A.L.A B.
on 7/7/11 5:27 am, edited 7/7/11 5:27 am
Not sure why some nuts do not want people to use shakes. Without them - I probably would be dead now.  There were days that I could not eat any solid foods. Shakes - full of proteins and vitamins - allowed me to get some food in me.
Even now - 3 year post op - I can't imagine to be able to get 120-160 gr of proteins per day just from solid foods.  Some mornings are so difficult, that unless I have a shake - I may not be able to eat anything until noon or later.  That's how people get to be severely malnourished. 
IMO _ your nut is not very smart.   And she herself didn't have surgery so she can not possibly understand the issue. 

Milk is OK, but protein shake (made from milk) is not? 
cheese = processed milk - is fine, but protein shake no good? 

OK. enough *****ing. 
  Go to the RNY board and look at daily posts about what people eat daily. 

some sources for the proteins are: 
Greek yogurt, milk
cheese: cottage, low fat ricotta, etc
meat and fish - as much as you can tolerate at one meal

BTW: The 120-160 gr per day proteins intake allow (finally) my blood level to be mid -normal.
on 80-100 per day - I was low normal, same with 100-120. 
Over the last 3 years I had to increase the proteins intake as per my lab results. At least I have a great doc and nut - who does understand that and encouraged us to drink them.

Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG

"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"

"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."

on 7/22/11 8:20 am - Puyallup, WA
RNY on 10/05/94

That's like saying you should fly across the country, but not allowed to use a plane.

She may only know hospital proteins which are wt gainers, like Ensure or Boost and not know real proteins.

Whey proteins made up in water (you can shake up 30g of some brands in only 4 oz of water) are easily absorbed and don't have you trying to stuff heavy stuff into a brand new pouch.

I'm 17 yrs and still do 6 protein drinks per day, plus 6 meals. A meal, being a relative term, of course.

RNY, distal, 10/5/94 

P.S.  My year + long absence has NOTHING to do with my WLS, or my type of WLS. See my profile.

on 8/6/11 4:08 am - WV
WOW...17 yrs out!!!! I'm interested in what your meal plan is in a day. Thank you.

on 8/7/11 2:38 am - Puyallup, WA
RNY on 10/05/94
I drink 6 protein shakes a day, 30 g powder in 4-8 oz water. I blend 'em up with ice when I can, shake em up if I can't.

I eat 6 meals a day, or "feedings". 2 are more meal like, 2 are more snack like.

I don't count calories, fats, or generic carbs.

I do count sugars (out -nothing over 9g per meal), and proteins IN. I only count the protein in my shakes. If I eat just meat, I get no veggies n fruit. I PREFER veggies 'n fruit, so my "meat" is chocolate. I do eat meat and chicken (yuck on fish), but not daily and if I get a tough piece, I don't have to eat it to meet some elusive goal. It's a done deal with shakes.

I usually have 1 egg, 1 bacon, 1 toast for bfast

fruit about an hour later with my iron + C

1-2-3 hrs later, sandwichy thing, maybe? I try to eat meat here, but if there is a crisp salad staring me down, green wins.

Maybe a fruit or one of my "craves", which is often celery with PB, or some dumb thing

Being on the road all these months, I'm in fast food or diners. Can't afford restaurants daily. So, eating at this little local diner her, last night I had the hot turkey sand. I asked for a small portion and ate half of that.

My other "crave" is olives. LOL I had my last batach of pills with olives.

We've been traveling since 4/22. Sposta be home 8/10, but had many problems. We'll be lucky to be home 8/22!

I assumed I'd gain wt because of all the eatn out. We usually go by RV and I cook what I want. But for about 2 weeks, it's been dead in Omaha, and we HAD to be in Idaho this weekend. So, my house is there, my body is here. Motels. If they have continental bfast, I eat the least carby stuff. In the last two dinky motels, there was no place to even cut a tomato! Inky dinky. So, diner it is. Rushing up there now to get eggs!

RNY, distal, 10/5/94 

P.S.  My year + long absence has NOTHING to do with my WLS, or my type of WLS. See my profile.

on 7/25/11 4:42 am

Protein shakes help get the protein in. I use Syntrax, Nectar and Matrix, they havy 23 grams protein in 1 cup.

on 8/5/11 12:32 am - Columbus, OH
I have to agree with everyone else-- there would have been NO WAY I could have gotten enough protein in 6 weeks out without shakes. My NUT and surgeon all were supportive of shakes. That seems like odd advice to me.....
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