High Protein Gelatin

Stephanie R.
on 8/23/13 10:30 am - GA
VSG on 09/11/13

Has anyone heard of/tried this?  I can't seem to find any reviews.  


It's sugar-free gelatin with 20g of protein.


http://www.amazon.com/Gelatein-Protein-Sugar-Gelatin-Fruit/d p/B009AZ0NZI/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1377303826&sr=8-2&keywor ds=sugar+free+gelatin+fruit+punch

on 8/26/13 1:59 pm

I maka my own ,,, use the liquid Proteinex,, substitute 1/2 cup of the cool water witht  the liqid protein and chill -- easy and cheap .. plus you get to choose your favorite flavor ,, I like the lime jello and lemon lime Proteinex

on 8/28/13 12:39 pm - Nashville, TN
Revision on 03/18/15
Not really. The first protein ingredient is collagen protein and the second is whey isolate. That means it has mostly collagen protein and just a little ,probably,of isolate.
Collagen is not good for muscle building/ repair like we need.




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