Feeling down!

lori havers
on 5/20/11 2:08 am - Canada
Well , I've been a week on the optifast and have only dropped 4 lbs! Everyone else has lost so much more...I'm unable to do exercise though do to my weight and arthritis. I'm drinking ++water and the 4 opticrap per day....omg that stuff leaves me feeling so sluggish.  Hate it!!  One more week left til surgery! Just venting!!
Monica M.
on 5/20/11 2:40 am - Penetanguishene, Canada
one thing you need to learn is that you cannot compare yourself to other people. Don't worry about it. There will always be people who will lose faster or slower than you.
on 5/20/11 2:41 am
Hang in there Lori, weight loss as you know is different for everyone and will fluxuate.  You are so close to the prize focus on the happy things that this new life will bring and take each day one at a time. 

Good luck next week,
on 5/20/11 2:45 am - Newmarket, Canada
I didn't lose alot of weight on opti-fast! They make you drink that to shrink your liver, the weight loss is extra since you aren't eating substantial foods. Focus on being healthy and not how much weight you've lost; it will drive you craaazzzeeeeee!

Good luck on your journey and hang on to the ride... You'll see soon enough how life will change

BELOW GOAL        Happily maintaining 4.5 years out!!   Life is GREAT!!!  Had my plastic surgery! 


lori havers
on 5/20/11 7:21 am - Canada
thanks ladies!!! You're right about not focusing about the scales, but it;s frustrating sometimes. I phoned Dr Reed's Nutritionist today to ask her if it was normal to feel so awful on the opticrap...I mean the headaches and the hunger are unbearable sometimes!) She  asked me if I'm drinking enough water( which I am), and if I'm exercising( which I'm not)..she said very rarely people are allergic to the aspertame and need to switch to diabetic Boost...I don;t think it's an allergy, but I know fron my pop drinking days that I always stuck with regular pepsi as opposed to diet cause it gave me headaches. Truthfully I can't afford to switch...it's only a week, but I don't always get all l4 pouches in ...only 7 more days. I worry that they'll cancel my surgery if I haven't lost enough weight pre-op. Thanks again for listening
on 5/20/11 3:36 am - Canada
Don't worry about it- I was expecting to only drop 4-5 pounds a week.  I think that is more realistic.  I'm sure that most of the weight I have lost so far is due to water.  Plus I am able to excerise at night.  I am sure that once I have the surgery I won't be losing much weight at first because I have lost on optifast.  It all evens itself out in the end.  Don't worry!
on 5/20/11 9:43 am - Canada
I'm sorry to hear the Opti is such a rough ride for you. I couldn't stand the taste but I found ways around that but I definitely felt exhausted like I hadn't felt in ages. I started thinking my CPAP wasn't working because there were times during the day that staying upright was almost painful.

I would definitely recommend getting in your 4 opti/day. For me, those three weeks were my opportunity to begin what is to be my lifelong eating schedule. I'd have an opti first thing (within 30 mins of waking was suggested to me...just like food) and never let myself get to where I felt really hungry. This is what my day looked like:

7:30     Optifast
9:30     Mint decaf tea
11:30  Optifast
2:30   low fat chicken or beef broth
4:30   Optifast
7:30   Optifast
9:00   Sugar free popsicle or jello

I was constantly gulping water in between and was always surprised when it was time to "eat again already".

I also was in bed quite early compared to normal because I'm guilty of late night munching and I didn't want to deal with that temptation.

I hope your headaches clear up soon but worse comes to worst, it's only seven more days.

~Just another day for you and me in paradise. 

on 5/20/11 11:54 am
Hang in there....you can do it....Rah, rah, sis boom bah! 

Okay, enough cheering.  Enjoy the weekend :)
Mr. Incredible
on 5/21/11 12:19 pm - Canada
Lori -

It's amazing sweets- your time is almost here!!  Don't give up - you are going to do great!  I know it's not easy but you are right- it's almost over.

You know my number - use it if you need to.  I'll call you on Monday like we agreed to make sure you haven't hid the bodies anywhere obvious.


PATS- September 30th 2009
Surgery- October 14th, 2009
orignall goal-200lbs new goal 185'
August 2011-  182- umm.. now what?
The past is the past and can never be changed, but the future is what ever you want it to be.

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