Want to apologize

Christina C.
on 9/16/11 7:48 am - New Glasgow, Canada
 I am sorry I havent been posting much or giving encouragement to anyone, I am dealing with a whole lot of stuff right now. Feeling isolated, and getting discouraged eating, only in the fact that I am sick of turkey and cant tolerate chicken, Fish is kinda hit or miss......Its hard moving to a brand new town with no one that I know....trying to find a job that is flexible enough to let me be home for kids and still bring in some extra money.  I just wanna sit in a corner and cry! I cant really be encouraging to anyone right now if I cant even be encouraging to myself. I think I just needed to vent and get it off my chest. 
Everyone with upcoming surgeries, I wish you speedy recoveries and awesome times ahead. Those who have had surgery WELCOME TO THE BENCH! woo hooo!

Love you all
on 9/16/11 7:57 am - Cambridge, Canada
 So sorry to hear you are having such a difficult time.  You have a lot going on.  
Is there an OH group where you moved? Maybe you can hook up with an OH group.



Dr. Reed
VSG May 24/2011

on 9/16/11 8:13 am
Hi Christina,

I seem to be giving out a lot of hugs today and here is one for you .  Keep coming on here and try and get out and go places ...do some things to keep your mood up. Is there anyone you can call and talk to?
Linda G.
on 9/16/11 8:27 am - Canada
I think I've seen another post by someone from New Glasgow....come out, come out, wherever you are.....you are needed.
Linda G
referral-July 28, 2011, orientation-September 8, nurse pract-September 13, social worker-September 22, nutrition class-November 1, surgeon appt-November 4,  psych-Jan 11, Catscan-Jan 12, NUT-Jan 20, Endoscopy-Jan 28, Surgeon meeting- Feb 10, Surgery-March 23  Dr. Grantcharov    
on 9/16/11 8:39 am - Hamilton, Canada


Former RNY patient revising to Sleeve then DS.
Appts: Dietitian - January 21/19; July 16/19, August 13/19, September 17/19, October 15/19; Social Worker: August 23/19; DS Orientation: March 20/19; Internist: September 30/19; Surgeon: November 13/19 (signed consent).
Surgery Date: February 28/20.


Brenda T.
on 9/16/11 10:12 am - Oshawa, Canada
RNY on 05/14/12
Understand these are huge changes for anyone, and then add the change to your body. Give yourself some time. Glad to know you are able to come and keep in contact with people you know here, even if you feel you have nothing to add at the moment.
Feel better soon.

Brenda             Visit my profile for timelines                         My  is Monica M.

Monica M.
on 9/16/11 11:11 am - Penetanguishene, Canada
hugs, christina. things will get better. do you like chili? that's a good protein. Try non meat based proteins if meats are giving you a problem.

try to get out for a walk, exercise naturally raises  your endorphins.
Eileen C.
on 9/16/11 12:22 pm, edited 9/16/11 12:23 pm - Cornwall, Canada
Hi Christina

Sorry that you have hit some hard times and sounds like you need a support group or another friend

in your area that you can lean on for support

Try hard boiled eggs, cottage cheese, string cheese, pepperettes, milk with flavourings, and of

course chilli with hamburg if you can tolerate it, just a few things that come to mind at this time.

Hopefully your situation will improve, I know it is hard when moving to a new area and not knowing

any one. I am sure that the added stress of looking for employment is also something that is difficult

to deal with as well. 

Do you have a wl centre in your area for support???

Hopefully someone in your area will see your post and contact you.

Please keep reading and posting, you are doing fantastic
Take care and sending you warm hugs and best wishes 

            my angel is Lisa48                                        
on 9/16/11 12:31 pm
Hi Christina, I am fairly new to this forum. Your post touched my heart.

Have you ever thought about driving a school bus to bring in some extra money and still have time for the kids?  I used to have a really demanding job many years ago that kept me at the office until all hours of the day and night. My kids didnt know they had parents because my husband was also away a lot. So one day my friend suggested that I drive a school bus.  I took her advice and ended up driving for 10 years. I was allowed to take my kids on the bus with me and didnt have to worry about paying a babysitter.

I know how hard it is to move to a small town where you know no one. I did it 12 years ago. I left Hespeler where I lived for 20 years and moved up north to Magnetawan. It took a long time but I finally made friends and can honestly say I like it here now.

Wish I had a magic wand to make you feel better.


Lynn in Ontario
banded Oct.19th 2012 and loving it.

on 9/16/11 12:45 pm - Canada

chicken is an evil meat. I know THEY say its supposed to be one of the easier ones to digest.. sorry but my pouch never got that memo. Early on my pouch returned chicken fro whence it came (I'll leave you to get the visual). I found and find beef easier to digest.

Oh and if you have chicken don't reheat it in the mivcrowave. Reheated chicken is doubly evil (at least to me). i quite often eat my lunch, usually a made ahead hot meal, cold rather than heating it up - reheating dries out meat and makes it harder to digest.

With a change in weight there is lots of hormone action going on in your body.. add a move to that and its got to be really hard. It might be that you are depressed. Consider going to the doc and talking about how you are feeling. It might be something that can be assisted with some medication.

Sometimes the best support  you can get isn't all purple puddles and pink rainbows.

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