a little help please??

on 3/4/12 10:00 pm - Cornwall, Canada
RNY on 03/23/12

Ok, so I am now on day 4 of Opti.... I think I am doing pretty good...now..... But on Friday (day 1) I had a major headache and my tummy grumbled a lot but I survived... Saturday- not hungry but I had dreams all night about food... Is that normal?!? Then in the evening I had a little break down..... I got all teary-eyed because I wasn't putting food in my mouth. I miss the act of eating. Every flipping commercial had food in it.
Yesterday, we were travelling to Kingston, I brought my Opti with me, made a shake from a glass of water at Pizza Hut.... While watching my BF eat chicken wings and salad. Oh, it smelled SOOOOO good! But I was good and drank my shake.

The help I need...... please....... How do I get over missing putting food in my mouth? Seeing a piece of cheese and wanting it?? I am being good but my head is always thinking about food.....I am not hungry, I have only had the Opti and I don't want to eat anything because I need to get control over my thoughts....

Highest Weight: 365lbs
Clinic Weight: 325lbs
Clinic goal:190 lbs
Current Weight: 176.4lbs
My goal:165lbs
Surgery: Dr. Yelle Ottawa on March 23, 2012

on 3/4/12 10:03 pm - Brussels, Canada
RNY on 05/30/12
 I am not at the Opti stage yet, but I just wanted to say to you good for you!!!!! Keep staying strong you are doing AMAZING!
on 3/5/12 12:07 am - Cornwall, Canada
RNY on 03/23/12
Thank you !!! 

Highest Weight: 365lbs
Clinic Weight: 325lbs
Clinic goal:190 lbs
Current Weight: 176.4lbs
My goal:165lbs
Surgery: Dr. Yelle Ottawa on March 23, 2012

Brenda T.
on 3/4/12 10:19 pm - Oshawa, Canada
RNY on 05/14/12
I think you are brave to go to Pizza Hut and watch hubby eat!!

I also think it is normal to miss chewing. I'm not where you are yet, but I can only imagine.

Hang in there, you are doing great.

Brenda             Visit my profile for timelines                         My  is Monica M.

on 3/5/12 12:07 am - Cornwall, Canada
RNY on 03/23/12
Thanks Brenda!!!! 

Highest Weight: 365lbs
Clinic Weight: 325lbs
Clinic goal:190 lbs
Current Weight: 176.4lbs
My goal:165lbs
Surgery: Dr. Yelle Ottawa on March 23, 2012

on 3/4/12 10:21 pm - Wasaga Beach, Canada
All you can do is hang in there! It does get better! You are doing really well and all those things you are experiencing are normal!
on 3/5/12 12:06 am - Cornwall, Canada
RNY on 03/23/12
Normal huh?!? I sure hope so.....
Thank you!!!!

Highest Weight: 365lbs
Clinic Weight: 325lbs
Clinic goal:190 lbs
Current Weight: 176.4lbs
My goal:165lbs
Surgery: Dr. Yelle Ottawa on March 23, 2012

on 3/4/12 10:28 pm
I too went out to eat several times while on Optifast, and it is hard to just order a black decaf coffee (that's what I did). I even had to cut up and cool down my 4 year olds meals.
You can do this, it will be over before you know it. Soon you might start to look at your boyfriends food choices and think omg are you really going to put that in your stomach?
Good Luck, keep strong.
on 3/5/12 12:03 am - Cornwall, Canada
RNY on 03/23/12
Thanks Tina! 
We have four kids in the house, luckily 3 of them are teenagers and the youngest is 10 so they are very independant! I would probably have a hard time if they were younger too!
My boyfriend usually eats very well....not sure what came over him yesterday!!! 

Highest Weight: 365lbs
Clinic Weight: 325lbs
Clinic goal:190 lbs
Current Weight: 176.4lbs
My goal:165lbs
Surgery: Dr. Yelle Ottawa on March 23, 2012

Karen M.
on 3/4/12 10:33 pm - Mississauga, Canada
That would be very difficult.  I think my "go to" would be ice cubes/chips to crunch on.



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