I think I need some moral support!

on 9/6/12 7:10 am - Ottawa, Canada
RNY on 06/19/12
Hi to everyone....happy Thursday! (Don't you love short work weeks?!).  

Ok, so I need some moral support I think.  I figured there's no better place to find some than on here, where everyone probably knows exactly how I'm feeling and going through because you've all been through it or are in the process of going through it etc...so to me, you guys are the experts! 
I've checked through a lot of postings related to "stalls" etc.  I know it's normal from what I've been reading...but it's so frustrating.  As of Sept. 19th, I will be 3 months out and I keep bouncing around the same couple of pounds...then I'll go down a couple of pounds and bounce around that weight for a few pounds....I try not to weigh myself daily since it only seems to drive me nuts...but it's hard to see these "stalls"...if that's what this is.  I'm about 1 pound away from the 60lbs loss mark, so I think that's great for not quite 3 months out.  If I hadn't gotten the surgery, it would have taken me more than a year to get the same results...But I still can't help but feel the frustration and the worry about these "stalls".  
I had to have my thyroid completely removed due to Thyroid cancer back in 2009 and so now I have medication that does the job that my thyroid used to do.  I can't help but worry that this has affected the surgery success...even though I don't see how since they rearranged my insides...lol.  I'm just letting the doubt/anxiety get to me I think....but it's just frustrating.  I am being careful with my portions and making healthy food choices etc....and am doing more and more exercise.  I will be talking to my doctor about this, but just wanted to hear if anyone else has been through this? 
Thanks for any input...I just want to know if this is normal or if I should be worried?
Sorry for the long post!
on 9/6/12 7:32 am - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 01/20/12
I know the stalls are frustrating. As to your thyroid I would have your levels checked. My meds for everything, blood pressure/cholesteral/diabetes have all changed. You have lost 60 lbs so you may need a different dose. I would check with your GP.
Stalls do happen and no one here is happy when they happen. All you can do is track your food and make sure you get your water in.
Good luck





on 9/6/12 7:45 am - Ottawa, Canada
RNY on 06/19/12
 You know what, I never really thought about the fact that lower weight might mean a new dose for my Synthroid.  I am due to get bloodwork for my next appointment and will definitely be asking about that.  Thanks for your reply.
I'm also happy to hear that the stalls are normal.  I have to try hard to keep that in mind when I feel the frustration!  
Ashley T.
on 9/6/12 7:34 am - London, Canada
RNY on 08/09/12
 I think for 3 months out you are doing fantastic.

How much do you weigh yourself? Sometimes you could be seeing water weight, and it may not show the exact weight you are at the time. Also if you are starting to work out you are probably gaining some muscle too, which happens to weigh more then fat. 

If you a weighing yourself daily, why not switching to weekly or even bi weekly, you should see better results that way.

Also, don't be too hard on yourself, think bout all the weight you have lost so far! and remember how long it would have taken you to get that much off Pre op. 

Good luck with the doctor!!
on 9/6/12 7:46 am - Ottawa, Canada
RNY on 06/19/12
Thanks for your encouragement AshleyT  
I think I probably weigh myself too often...which is really not a good idea I think.  I'm just driving myself crazy...lol.
Thanks for your reply!
Monica M.
on 9/6/12 7:51 am - Penetanguishene, Canada
Hugs, SL.

stalls are frustrating for sure.

As difficult as this might be, the best idea is probably to put your scale away. Weigh monthly. I know. its difficult. Your weight will bounce around, day to day. the overall number is what you need to be looking at.

You should also get some bloodwork done, consult with your doctor about your med doses, etc.
on 9/6/12 7:54 am - Ottawa, Canada
RNY on 06/19/12
 Thanks Monica!  You're right....I need to hide the scale.  I will have to tell my husband to lock it away somewhere and only let me have it once a month....lol.  It's so true how it does bounce around from day to day.  
Monica M.
on 9/6/12 7:59 am - Penetanguishene, Canada
put it in the trunk of his car or something, that way it will be gone whenever he's away at work or whatever. I used to put it in my daughter's dresser drawer, so i'd have to ask her to get it out for me.
on 9/6/12 8:02 am - Ottawa, Canada
RNY on 06/19/12
 Good idea!  I'll have to try that because right now it's in the bathroom and I see it every morning when I'm getting ready for work...Out of sight out of mind hopefully!  
on 9/6/12 10:04 am - Ottawa, Canada

i think you are doing great! don't forget you are losing inches as well. thats all i wanted to say

Keep up the great work

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