Advice, suggestions and support needed!

on 9/12/12 1:33 pm
I'm almost ready to start my 6 weeks on optifast.  I'm excited yet a bit worried, I hope I can do this!!
Any helpful hints or advice for me?
(deactivated member)
on 9/12/12 1:46 pm - Straford, Canada
 use really cold water, add a bunch of ice cubes and then the optifast to blender, blend on high and enjoy a frothy cold one!  I used sf crystal light powders to enhance/change the taste of the vanillas once a day, and every now and then added a cup of coffee to make it interesting.  I tried some of the baking flavours, maple and almond but wasn't wild about them.  I drank them in about the same time as my family ate their meal in, so I didn't "watch" them eat.  The first few days were a little hard to adjust to, but after that it was a breeze.  About supper time my tummy used to be doing the imperial march (you know the darth vader entrance music), but again, afer a few days that didn't matter.  Regards, Ian  
on 9/12/12 1:46 pm - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 01/20/12
Keep the goal in your mind. Just keep repeating I am starting a whole new journey for myself. The six weeks are nothing compaired to the rest of your life.





on 9/12/12 1:52 pm
 Yay! I wish you the best of luck! Six weeks on Optifast.. wow! That is going to be a long journey, but I'm sure you'll get through it just fine :) I only did two weeks, and the first 4 days for me were the worst. Just remember, its a short term pain for a long term gain of a healthier life!

I only had the chocolate optifast, and I hated it at first, but by the end of the 2 weeks, I was actually craving it. I didn't mix it with anything, however on the recipe forum (I think), people have suggestions on what to mix with it for some variety and additional flavour. Perhaps someone could provide the link for you, as I don't have it. 

I really do wish you all the success in the world for making it through this Optifast journey! If you get frustrated, come post on here and vent your frustrations.. we are here to help!!
on 9/12/12 2:03 pm
Thanks.... you are all an inspiration to me, and I treasure your imput, ideas, advice and support more then you will ever know!  Your right Pam, I need to stay focused and remember why I am doing this.  Ian.....I will be thinking about Darth Vader music now when my stomach starts to rumble. You all have great reccommendations.  Yes Kerigan my doctor wants me on optifast for 6 weeks to lower my BMI and risks of complications during surgery.  I am having the sleeve done in Guelph on October 25th.
on 9/12/12 2:03 pm - Canada
 It's difficult at the start for some so hang in there. If you fall off the horse, get right back on and don't get discouraged. 

Long you live and high you fly 
And smiles you'll give and tears you'll cry 
And all you touch and all you see 
Is all your life will ever be.


on 9/12/12 3:25 pm - Canada
I bought sugar free flavour extracts at the Bulk Barn.  mint is pretty good with chocholate
on 9/12/12 3:29 pm
RNY on 05/16/12
I have been on 12 weeks of optifast in the past and I survived.

I found drinking it was gross so I always mixed it with a little bit of water and made it into a pudding.  It tasted great and then I felt like I was actually eating.

There is a recipe forum with lots of recipes on how to add things to make it taste better (for example mint extract to the chocolate shake to make a mint chocolate shake).

HW 282 OW 273 SW 247 CW 232

(deactivated member)
on 9/12/12 4:12 pm - Guelph, Canada
 I was just going to say this.... The pudding saved my ass I could not stomach the shakes...

I mixed the pudding with one tsp of instant decaf coffee to add a new flavor... Or the chocolate torani syrup and orange extract... Banana extract and chocolate torani ...chocolate torani and coffee...these were my faves... I did find I was missing the savory cause I found the opti sweet and I had a huge sweet tooth.. But I think that 2 weeks may have cured the sweet tooth cause I have not craved sweet since
on 9/12/12 5:09 pm
Thanks for all the great ideas!  I will be sure to try them.  Wow Katie, 12 weeks of optifast, good for you!  You have ALL given me lots to think about! 
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