
on 10/1/12 1:25 am - Ottawa, Canada
RNY on 06/19/12
 Hi everyone,

I have a question about protein.  I'm not sure how everyone else is doing, but I am finding it hard to get in all of the daily recommended amounts of protein.  I've tried some of the protein powders as supplements to real food, but I just can't seem to stomach most of the ones I've tried.  Even the ready-to-drink chocolate one from Costco is hard to get down.  I don't think protein comes in pill form (too bad!!!) and I don't want to go out and have to buy stuff that I won't end up liking so I figured I'd ask if anyone has any suggestions for any protein bars that you really like, or any drink mix ones that blend well etc...I wonder about lemondade or juice flavoured ones that you can mix with water...but one of the unflavoured powders I tried that you mix with water is SO THICK that it was gross...the scoop was huge and when I mixed it with water it was gross.  I've heard people mention lemonade or other juice flavours and I wanted to get any feedback about those and/or protein bars that are worth a try.  I remember someone on here saying that either Popeye's or GNC (can't remember which one) will let you return the product if you don't like it?
Compared to the protein supplements I've tried so far, I have to say I actually prefer the taste of the Optifast!  Too bad we couldn't use that.
Any suggestions/feedback on products would be much appreciated.

Karen M.
on 10/1/12 1:34 am - Mississauga, Canada
It's hard.  When I was freshly post-op I used one from GNC called ULTRA.  It had 48g of protein per scoop and the Chocolate Explosion was delicious.  Then I found one at, believe it or not, Walmart - so sorry, can't remember the brand - that was strawberry and also delicious, but not as high in protein.

It's really just a trial and error with protein. I regularly drink the rtd Premier Protein for convenience, but I've grown tired of it.  GNC will allow you to return it, yes.  Not sure about Popeye's as I've never shopped there. I've never tasted Optifast to be honest, but I do know it's not a good protein supplement. I suppose a trip to GNC is in order - for both of us!



Ontario Recipes Forum -

on 10/1/12 1:40 am - Ottawa, Canada
RNY on 06/19/12
 Thanks for the reply Karen!  That one from GNC that you tried sounds good...Chocolate you remember how you mixed it?  (water etc...and what was the consistency like?)...It's worth a try especially if GNC will allow it to be you're right...a trip to GNC is definitely in order!
I do wish they'd come out with a protein pill would make life so much easier....ha ha.
Karen M.
on 10/1/12 1:45 am - Mississauga, Canada
I mixed it with milk always.  And ice, as I recall.  Not thick, just ... well, I guess like chocolate milk.

They actually DO have a protein pill.  But the number you would have to take in a day is astronomical.  Pass!



Ontario Recipes Forum -

on 10/1/12 1:55 am - Ottawa, Canada
RNY on 06/19/12
 I like the idea of chocolate milk...I can handle that! LOL
And yes, I'll pass on taking a dozen more pills per day....No thanks! LOL
Karen M.
on 10/1/12 1:59 am - Mississauga, Canada
I sincerely hope that the company is still in production! It really was palatable.  In a world of yucky-crappy-****that-I-had-to-put-in-my-mouth-and-down-my-gut.

I'm going to visit GNC tomorrow, thanks to your post.  I'll let you know if I find something awesome.



Ontario Recipes Forum -

on 10/1/12 2:03 am - Ottawa, Canada
RNY on 06/19/12
 LOL @ "In a world of yucky-crappy-****that-I-had-to-put-in-my-mouth-and-down-my-gut." ...I think that just about sums it up perfectly.

Yes, please do let me know if you find something awesome...I'll have to make a trip there soon myself!  
We should start a product review string...1 star = tastes like dog doo, 5 stars = so good I forgot it was bad.
Karen M.
on 10/1/12 2:11 am - Mississauga, Canada
I'm actually looking forward to it.  How sad!



Ontario Recipes Forum -

(deactivated member)
on 10/1/12 2:11 am, edited 10/1/12 2:13 am - Bumfuknowhere, Canada
I don't think Ultra still exists but ISO XP makes a chocolate explosion one and it has 50 grams of protein per two scoops(the recommended for men).  My BIL buys it all the time and he says it is the best quality protein available.  He is a fitness buff and it's low carb so right up our alleys.
on 10/1/12 7:15 am - Vaughan, Canada
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