on 10/4/12 1:48 pm - Pickering, Canada
Just found out today I have severe sleep apnea. I have to get a Cpap machine ASAP as my surgery is Nov. 13th. I have no idea how I am going to sleep with this thing. As you see I am NOT A HAPPY CAMPER!!!!!!
(deactivated member)
on 10/4/12 2:09 pm - Canada
RNY on 08/10/12
 I feel your pain, i also had severe sleep apnea. I used the machine litterally once! It was horrible but since my surgery i no longer snore at least. 
I hope you do better than i did with the horribly annoying machine :(

on 10/4/12 2:13 pm - Pickering, Canada
That is exactely how I am feeling....

Thank you
on 10/4/12 3:16 pm - Timmins, Ontario, Canada
Hey Cheryl, I use a CPAP machine, have done for 5 years now. I don't really like using it, but it's better than the alternative which is not using it and maybe not waking up some time. For the first few days I eased myself into it by using it a couple of hours at a time. I used self talk to convince myself "it" was my friend & that it was there to help me. Good luck!
on 10/4/12 5:36 pm - Ottawa, ON, Canada
I urge you to try to reframe this process -- seriously, a positive attitude goes a huge way in adapting to CPAP.

If you possibly can get them, use nose pillows;  for me they are wonderful.  I don't feel any claustrophobic symptoms at all, and highly recommend them.

My experience - almost a year now with the CPAP - has been most positive.  I sleep better than I have in at least ten years, never waking with a headache and never wake up choking and screaming as I have been doing for at least twenty years.   What I thought was PTSD is sleep apnea -- who knew.

You can rent the machine -- you may or may not need it post WLS, but, especially if you don't have insurance to cover it, it's a less expensive way to proceed.

I completely get the not happy camper 'tude;   me?   I'm awake at 3:35, can't sleep with nerves.   My son's picking me up at 6:00 -- Heart Institute at 6:30 for cardiac catheterization.   I'll sleep in *their* bed, for sure.  :)

Best wishes -- CPAP has made an immensely positive improvement in my life.   You can do this.


Referral - March 2011 // Orientation - Ottawa - July 8, 2011 // Surgery - January 23, 2013

Monica M.
on 10/4/12 6:38 pm - Penetanguishene, Canada
well... there are two ways you can think of this (like chipmunk said), there is the negative, and then the positive. Imagine, being able to wake up feeling refreshed, because your body has had enough oxygen all night long. imagine, being able to sleep and know that this machine will keep you breathing when your body is being a bit lazy, and letting you not breathe for a bit, and possibly yeah... maybe not even wake up one morning.

so, yeah, there's that.

they're not saying you have sleep apnea because they want to **** you off. Its kind of to potentially save your life, which just MIGHT be the bigger picture here.
on 10/4/12 6:43 pm
I totally agree with Chipmunk, your CPap is your friend.  It makes a tremendous difference in how you feel and yes it does take some getting used to,  You wont believe how much better you feel

Referral June 13 2012,     Meeting Dr Reed Sept 10/ 2012,    Orientation 9/20/12                            Nurse, SW Nut visit Nov 10/6/12    Post op class 1/22 /13   Surgeon appointment April 9/13  Surgery May30/2013

(deactivated member)
on 10/4/12 7:31 pm - Straford, Canada
 Been there!  The sleep clinic attached to the TWH doc found out I am a tad clausterphobic so the mask (and the pillows were worse for me) was freaking me out a bit.  He prescribed a half a zopliclone 7.5mg before bed and it worked like a charm, no freaking.  

The sleep study showed I woke up something silly like 200 times, stopped breathing 40+ and stopped breathing more then 45 seconds over eight times.  No wonder I was tired!  After CPAP tirtrated and new sleep study, ZERO wakes, ZERO stop breathings, just ZZZzzzZZZzzz!  

As a small side note, I have had every operation known to man for my sinuses.  Had a real problem, to the point where the mucus would build up and cause me to wake up and run for the can to throw it up!  Ugh!  The CPAP has a humidifier in it!  OMG the humidifier soothes my sinuses, I never wake up congested, I don't even need to blow my nose first thing!  This may be tmi but this is a biggie when it comes to better health for me! 

May the CPAP be with you!  
on 10/4/12 7:55 pm
I adore my CPAP machine.  I was exhausted from sleep deprivation as I was never able to get into REM sleep as my lack of oxygen keep waking me up (to keep me alive!!).

Like Chipmunk Roasting (Marilyn), I too use the nose pillows.  I look forward to using my machine each night or each time I nap. 

I am sure at some point I will get retested to see if I no longer need it.  It has been six years now that I have been using a CPAP.

Good luck,

on 10/4/12 8:27 pm - Collingwood, Canada
RNY on 02/06/13
You can rent a CPAP? I have a horrible feeling they are going to tell me the same thing when I see Dr. Glazer and he orders a sleep study, I have no insurance coverage so renting would be the best option for me.


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