can someone offer advice on FitBit or similar product?

on 11/13/12 11:30 pm - Cornwall, Canada
RNY on 03/23/12

I am wondering if this would be a device I should think about getting.....

Can you offer the pros and cons and why I should spend the money on it....Thanks!!

Highest Weight: 365lbs
Clinic Weight: 325lbs
Clinic goal:190 lbs
Current Weight: 176.4lbs
My goal:165lbs
Surgery: Dr. Yelle Ottawa on March 23, 2012

on 11/13/12 11:59 pm - Canada

I have a fitbit. I've had it for about a year.and love it .... when I use it ... sometimes I am better than others.

It is small, easy to hide, so that it can be worn with ease all day, and can even be worn at night to give sleep information. It was a good purchase for me and I recommend it. Like everything, you have to commit to it and then it becomes a really good tool.

If you do decide to get one, contact me and we can be fitbit buddies.

Any one you get will be an inspiration, so go for it!


on 11/14/12 12:05 am - Cornwall, Canada
RNY on 03/23/12

so what do you have to do with these things...Plug in all the info like any other device? Basically it's only as good as the user right?!

Highest Weight: 365lbs
Clinic Weight: 325lbs
Clinic goal:190 lbs
Current Weight: 176.4lbs
My goal:165lbs
Surgery: Dr. Yelle Ottawa on March 23, 2012

(deactivated member)
on 11/14/12 12:17 am - Straford, Canada

My fitbit is always on me.  My biggest problem is remembering to plug it in to my laptop so it can charge (it doesn't warn me when its low on power). But it kicks my butt when I think I have had an active day and I plug it in and says I have only gone a couple of miles I get up and go for a walk/run.  It measures my milage, number of steps done, calories burned, and overall activity.  When I wear it at night I can type in the hours I was in bed and it will give me an idea of how many times I woke up and how I slept in general.  I don't do this often as I don't really see the point (if I was having trouble sleeping I guess it would be helpful for treatment maybe?).  The fitbit 'dashboard" syncs to my iphone so I can see what I have done, but it doesn't talk to my iphone automatically but uses the laptop as the intermediary.  I wi**** talked directly to my iphone.  That's all I can think of. If they could put a fitbit app on my phone I would buy that in a second!  


on 11/14/12 12:25 am - Cornwall, Canada
RNY on 03/23/12

Thank you Ian..... It logs food intake too?  Like most apps, right? Feeling pretty dumb today...Please spell it out for me!! lol

Which one do you have? Is it "the One"? Wireless activity and sleep tracker? $100.... are there other brands you know of?

I just don't like putting out $100 and not using it to it's full potential.... Thanks for the input!!

Highest Weight: 365lbs
Clinic Weight: 325lbs
Clinic goal:190 lbs
Current Weight: 176.4lbs
My goal:165lbs
Surgery: Dr. Yelle Ottawa on March 23, 2012

(deactivated member)
on 11/14/12 12:30 am - Straford, Canada

it does track foods, however I started using to track my food and inputted recipes I make there so I have stayed with that rather than going to fitbit, as I began doing that a number of monthes before I bought my fitbit.  I have the fitbit and like it to track my overall activity, the sleep tracking part of it I don't use as I sleep pretty well since rny.  Its the only one I know of, I look forward to hearing about others.  

on 11/14/12 12:32 am - Cornwall, Canada
RNY on 03/23/12

Perfect...Thank you!!

Highest Weight: 365lbs
Clinic Weight: 325lbs
Clinic goal:190 lbs
Current Weight: 176.4lbs
My goal:165lbs
Surgery: Dr. Yelle Ottawa on March 23, 2012

on 11/14/12 12:51 am
RNY on 09/20/12

never heard of it - so would you take the day or day/night one

Also does it sync with a blackberry? or only iPhone? Do you purchase it on line or in a store?



(deactivated member)
on 11/14/12 1:51 am - Straford, Canada is where I bought mine.  I do understand ebay etc does resell ones from folks that don't want it anymore, but I bught it directly from company.  I am sorry I do not know what syncs with lackberries, ... or sorry I meant blackberries!   The one I have does the AM and PM, it comes with a carrier that clips on your belt and a wrist band that is used at night.  

on 11/14/12 1:52 am - Cornwall, Canada
RNY on 03/23/12

from what I have read it works with iPhone 4 and up and iPad but only some other smart phones....

I only seem to see it offered online....I would consider the one that also included sleep as most nights are fine but sometimes I still wake up tired...

Highest Weight: 365lbs
Clinic Weight: 325lbs
Clinic goal:190 lbs
Current Weight: 176.4lbs
My goal:165lbs
Surgery: Dr. Yelle Ottawa on March 23, 2012

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