Windsor - tell me how it works pls

on 2/4/13 1:38 pm, edited 2/4/13 1:40 pm - Sarnia, Canada

I have my orientation next week on the 14th at the assessment centre in Windsor. Yay! 

The first time I attempted to have WLS (referral sent in Sept. 2009) I got in right before the registry was set up, so I went directly through make a long story short, I got through all my appointments and was just trying to get my iron levels up so I could meet Dr. Reed and I guess losing about 10lbs due to journaling my food kick started my ovaries into action and we got pregnant in June 2010.  A big oops but we've completed our family and now I am 100% ready to focus on me.

Anyways, I was just wondering if someone who went through Windsor could give me some insight on how things work there. Like what happens at orientation? When do you see the nut, nurse and sw? How far apart are your appointments? What is the average time frame to complete the initial appointments and be referred to the Surgeon? Do you get to decide where you want to have your surgery or do they decide for you? Sooooo many questions....I know they will probably go over most of this at the orientation next week but I am super excited and want a little sneak peak into what to expect ;)

Anyone else there on the 14th btw??





Orientation ~ 2/14/13 *** Nurse ~ 3/11/13 *** SW & Dr. ~ 3/22/13 *** NUT 4/2/13 *** SW follow-up & Dietician ~ 5/10/13 *** Sleep Study ~ 5/28/13 *** Dr. follow-up ~ 6/7/13 *** Physiotherapy ~ 7/8/13  

on 2/4/13 11:06 pm - Canada

Hi Diana!!  Big decision for you!!  Congrats on the little one.  I had a friend that did the surgery just so she could get pregnant and low and behold, one year after surgery she was pregnant!!

I went to Windsor.  I believe I started Sept 2010 and my surgery was April 2011.  If I remember correctly my first visit was a very basic visit.  I will try to remember and not lead you astray.  I did not meet the doctor or the social worker the first visit.  I met the nurse and she did my weight and measurements and discussed what was going to happen.  I believe I met the dietitian and she went through what my diet should look like from that day forward until surgery.

That started the ball rolling and I left with a wealth of information, assignments for bloodwork and my next scheduled appointments, which was with the social worker and the doctor. Each time you visit after that, you will be weighed and they will discuss your diet.  The doctor will decide if you are a candidate for the surgery and will ask you where you wish to have the surgery.  Back then my choices were Guelph, Toronto or Ottawa.  I chose Toronto (Dr. Grancherokov) at St. Michaels hospital.  It was close to my relatives so it was easy for my mom who stayed with me the entire time. I travelled to Toronto once to meet him.  When I met with him in Toronto, I had to purchase my Optifast shakes.  And at that time, they took only Visa, so you might want to check ahead of time.   I had my surgery on a Monday, was out Wednesday stayed wed night and came home Thursday.

They will expect you to join the Gastric bypass in your home town and visit two of their meetings.  You must go to an orientation session at the Windsor Bariatric centre, which was very informative.  The tests that were ordered for me were an abdominal ultrasound serious, an upper GI, a pyloric screening, bloodwork and a sleep apnea study (which I did in Sarnia cuz I am from Wallaceburg).  They were all at various times.  Most of which I did at my local hospital and they forwarded the information to Windsor.

Make sure and ask them to group your appointments together to save on travelling time.  Eg meet with the doctor, the social worker and dietitian at the same time.  Hopefully they can do that for you...

Im excited for you...this is a big step in is life changing and the best thing that I have ever done for ME.

Keep in touch and let me know how things are going. Hope this helped!!



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