My Fitness Pal - info for Goals

on 2/11/13 11:04 am

I am tracking my food intake on MyFitnessPal and wanted to customize the daily goal setting. I am two weeks post-op and nicely into the purée stage.

Does anyone know what the recommended daily counts (in grams) would be for:






What is the daily recommended number of calories?

VBG: Dr. Abawi (Bowmanville) Jun-2004.   Weight Loss:  237 ⬇ 164 = 73 pounds loss in first year.
Bariatric Network Registry:  19-Aug-2011                               Orientation at HRRH:  17-Aug-2012
Consult with Dr. Hagen (HRRH): 29-Aug-2012              Doctor ordered Gastroscopy:  10-Oct-2012
Meetings with  Nurse,  Vampire,  Registered Dietician  and  Social Worker  (HRRH):  24-Oct-2012
Consult with Internist Dr Glazer:  29-Oct-2012          Ordered Cardiac Ultrasound 12-Nov-2012
Met with Dr. Hagen: 12-Nov-2012    Surgery date 19-Feb-2013     (07- Jan-2013 date revised)
Pre-Admission Tests:  10-Jan-2013     Started OptiFast: 14-Jan-2013     Starting Weight:  233
Conversion Surgery VBG ➜ RnY with Dr. Hagen:  28-Jan-2013          Weight day of Surgery:  216

(deactivated member)
on 2/11/13 6:24 pm - Straford, Canada

At your stage I only tracked protein and h20.  80 g of protein was the target, usually ended up between 60 and 80 g per day.  The carbs etc all sneak in but your target is protein if you're looking at a food source with little or no protein move on to something else.  

Onward and

on 2/11/13 6:38 pm, edited 2/11/13 6:39 pm - Canada
RNY on 11/07/12

Yeah, you really only need to track the protein.

However, when I checked at my one month follow-up, they told me that my calories should come from a third of each - protein, fat, and carbs.  But I think other folks on here have been given different amounts, something like 40% protein, 30% fat, and 30% carbs.

I know in MFP if you want to enter your protein goals, you have to enter your carbs and fat too.  And you can only do multiples of 5%.  So what I've got, since I can't do 33%, 33%, 33%, is 35% protein, 35% carbs, and 30% fat.  And I try to spend those carbs on things like fruit and veggies, and if there are any grains, I try to either make them whole grains, or crispy crackers or flat bread as opposed to soft bread since I don't tolerate soft bread all that well yet.  Also, I track my fiber, and I subtract the amount of fiber from my carb total, which is what many folks call your "net carbs" - I do this on the advice of my Nurse Practitioner, who says you don't have to count carbs right now, but if you do, net carbs is the way to go.

Again, this is just me, but it seems to be working for me right now.  I'll adjust if necessary.  And while I aim for those goals, what I set out for myself in the morning isn't always what ends up happening during the day - I find that I struggle to get all my food in, which is such a weird change from my former life! 

I also never stress about it if in my food planning, I go over the protein "goal".  I really just use MFP to track protein to make sure I'm getting enough.  The other stuff is just interesting information, and the only time I worry at all about the fat or carbs is if they look completely or totally out of whack.  But really, those get "controlled" by my habits of having protein in every meal and snack, eating the protein first, then the veggies/fruit/grains if there's room after that, and staying away from stuff that bothers my pouch (high fat, high sugar foods).

Referral to registry: Oct 21, 2011    Orientation (TWH): Feb 22, 2012     Surgery: Nov 7, 2012

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on 2/11/13 9:43 pm

I was wondering how you actually change the settings to make these goals? I am just starting Opti today. But will need the protein goal in 2-3 weeks. Thanks!

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