Internal hernia and bowel obstruction.

on 2/14/13 7:50 pm - Cannifton, Canada
I had emergency surgery at my local hospital. It's scary and amazing how quickly it can go downhill. I used to believe that I wouldn't allow a non bariatric surgeon open me up but when your told it is surgery now or you might not make it. You just do what you gotta do.
So much for the pretty belly dream... Staples from my breastbone to my belly button.
Lesson... Listen to you body and get help ASAP.


Feb 19 2010 Referral to Ottawa         Nov 24 2010 Orientation at TWH
Jan 25 2011 Nurse                               Feb 16 2011 Social Worker
March 10 2011 Psychiatrist                 April 8 2011 Surgeon
Surgery May 9 2011                             Bowel Obstruction/ internal Hernia Feb 13 2013  

on 2/14/13 8:08 pm - Toronto, Canada
Chris I'm so sorry you had to go through that! Can you tell us more about the days leading up to that, and what signs to look for?

Surgery March 23/2011. Completed three full marathons and two half marathons, two half Ironman distances. Completed my first Full Ironman distance (4 km swim, 180 km bike, 42.2 km (full marathon) run) in Muskoka August 30/2015. Next Ironman Lake Placid July 23/2017!

on 2/14/13 10:03 pm - Cannifton, Canada
Really I was surprised by the suddenness I had felt fine for weeks before this episode. The pain started at 3 pm and I waited an hour hoping it would just pass. I was at work so an ambulance was called and was in emergency by 5 pm. I surely didn't appreciate the two hour wait to see a doctor but as soon as I was seen a surgeon was called in and he was getting surgery prepped immediately.
By that time I was vomiting as well

Last month I had 3 episodes of pain over a ten day period which thankfully resulted in some follow up test done including the CT scan done just the day before surgery.
I had posted at that time that my family doctor didn't want to order the CT scan and only did so after TWH told him to do so. So push. We often have a more knowledge than our family doctors in respect to the RnY. It was the fresh CT scan that allowed the surgeon to realize what was going on.
I asked the surgeon to call TWH and he said we don't have time. I was too sick to argue and in hindsight ... He was right.

Bonus points .... He now knows what our anatomy looks like. He commented that it was very interesting! Lol


Feb 19 2010 Referral to Ottawa         Nov 24 2010 Orientation at TWH
Jan 25 2011 Nurse                               Feb 16 2011 Social Worker
March 10 2011 Psychiatrist                 April 8 2011 Surgeon
Surgery May 9 2011                             Bowel Obstruction/ internal Hernia Feb 13 2013  

on 2/14/13 11:11 pm - Toronto, Canada

Oh wow!! Glad you did get it sorted. I got to see my insides on a CT scan too. The doc showed me the shiny parts of the staples. That was pretty cool!

Surgery March 23/2011. Completed three full marathons and two half marathons, two half Ironman distances. Completed my first Full Ironman distance (4 km swim, 180 km bike, 42.2 km (full marathon) run) in Muskoka August 30/2015. Next Ironman Lake Placid July 23/2017!

on 2/14/13 8:16 pm - cambridge , Canada
RNY on 07/09/12

Oh my goodness i'm so sorry you had to go through that......please take care of YOU and get better soon.....heal fast.....I went through the same thing last October only 3 months out from is definately one of the scariest things i've had to go through also.  All the best to you.



 REFFERAL.....APRIL 2010    ORIENTATION.....JULY 14, 2011       SURGERY.....JULY 9, 2012                            


on 2/14/13 8:33 pm - Canada
VSG on 01/25/12

Oh no!!!  How frightening for you!  I hope you have a speedy and smooth recovery!  Well wishes!! 

SURGERY at Toronto Western Hospital - VSG JANUARY 25th, 2012!!

5'9 - HW - 390 SW - 368.8  GW - 150


on 2/14/13 8:37 pm

Oh my!  Yes very serious.  So sorry to hear that you had to go through this.  Get well soon.


What were the messages that your body was telling you?



on 2/14/13 8:53 pm - Oshawa, Ontario, Canada
VSG on 01/08/13

*gentle hugs*

I am glad they did catch it, and were able to help you. You're very right. You just do what you gotta do!

One of my male friends said something when I was commenting over my own stomach looking like something out of a "connect the dots" page (between my lap VSP, Lap hyster, Lap exploration which turned into open Appendectomy... I have a series of scars)...

"Women like scars... Some men do too! They just remind us what kind of ass kicking we made it through."

I laughed... And then had tears because I had to hold my belly at the time. He was trying to cheer me up and it worked because he was sweet.

Hope your recovery is smooth, and the scars fade fast.


Dr Sullivan VSG Jan. 8th, 2013!
  Lost 100 lbs in a year post op with a VSG. 


on 2/14/13 9:20 pm

Scars remind us where we have been.

VBG: Dr. Abawi (Bowmanville) Jun-2004.   Weight Loss:  237 ⬇ 164 = 73 pounds loss in first year.
Bariatric Network Registry:  19-Aug-2011                               Orientation at HRRH:  17-Aug-2012
Consult with Dr. Hagen (HRRH): 29-Aug-2012              Doctor ordered Gastroscopy:  10-Oct-2012
Meetings with  Nurse,  Vampire,  Registered Dietician  and  Social Worker  (HRRH):  24-Oct-2012
Consult with Internist Dr Glazer:  29-Oct-2012          Ordered Cardiac Ultrasound 12-Nov-2012
Met with Dr. Hagen: 12-Nov-2012    Surgery date 19-Feb-2013     (07- Jan-2013 date revised)
Pre-Admission Tests:  10-Jan-2013     Started OptiFast: 14-Jan-2013     Starting Weight:  233
Conversion Surgery VBG ➜ RnY with Dr. Hagen:  28-Jan-2013          Weight day of Surgery:  216

Niki L.
on 2/14/13 9:36 pm - Canada
RNY on 10/15/12
Wow hope you get better soon .
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