The "size" game... Vanity sizing... Goals... And Realities.

on 2/19/13 2:06 am - Oshawa, Ontario, Canada
VSG on 01/08/13

So I do nothing to hide that I lose inches over pounds. I am more then ok with that and because of that I set goals for specific measurements.

I did my research... figured out the measurements for a size 12-14 (I'm 5'9-10" and naturally curvy so a 12-14 was my goal) and set my numbers in place based on the sizes of today.

So here I am 6 weeks out... Shaking my head because I lost so many inches pre-op and have lost more post-op so now I need to re-evaluate things.

Don't get me wrong... If I bought a shirt for my actual bust measurement that is a 26 (y'all keep lying to me and telling me those will decrease too but they are not... just across the back and under them around the ribs). I just layer 2-3 layers, compress things, and dress as I wish (which means down to a 1xl-2xl top at most and even into a size 20-22 dress shirt if I really work at it.

But... My hips and waist are officially an 18 at my fave store. *scratches her head*

Now I need to state openly that todays' 18 is 10 years ago's 22. How do I know? My extremely expensive suit that fits flawlessly in the pants now is a 22, and bought 9 years ago. My dress pants that wouldn't fit me at 280 3 attempts at losing ago fit me now... and are from the same timeframe. Any and all clothing I have that I have pulled out from back then is sized this way.

So... I don't really care if I am shopping in US sizes (vanity) or UK sizes (reality from 10 years ago is still their size range). I just need some help setting new goals.

I'd originally set some goals which I am going to post here... I'm asking for thoughts on where to re-point my aim because I am not going to match things up at all and if I lose at the rate I am for inches in some places... well... It's not going to work.

  Original Current Goal New? *Notes
Weight 339.95 295 190   (190 is an arbitrary number that looks good on paper but I was a size 6 at 185 so...?)
Bicep 19
(le arm 22)
Forearm 12 10.5 9    
Wrist 7 6 6    
Bust 55 53     (this will likely take surgical assistance)
Rib 42.5 37 34    
Waist 49
(51-53 bloated)
40 33   (still have post op swelling so current is skewed)
Hips 61 48.5 45   (bottom end of the size was 43.5 at that store so there was my flux)
Thigh 39 30.5 26    
Calf 20.5 17 15   (only cared about buying regular calf boots)

So... help me fill in the blanks for the new column.

Please know I have BEEN a size 6 waist and I am not all that interested in going to a 6 again as I was unable to keep my immune system up even as an athlete. I am trying to figure out if an 8-10 will work... At this point with the rate I lose inches compared to the scales... Even my weight is out of whack.

I figured I could put this out there and get some feedback.

Dr Sullivan VSG Jan. 8th, 2013!
  Lost 100 lbs in a year post op with a VSG. 


on 2/19/13 3:09 am - Toronto, Canada

Interesting. Well, your weight loss will be different than other times. It comes off rapidly, so I found that I looked different than previous times in certain sizes. Meaning, I got into a size 10 at 50 pounds lost this time, but not at 50 pounds lost on Weigh****chers. Not sure why, but it came off differently. Also, my mom and I at one point weight the same. However, I was two sizes smaller than the same jeans. I am shorter, so it didn't make sense to us. Her chest is bigger...again, it didn't add up. Until we realized that I didn't have as much fat under my belly as she did. It's amazing how squishy skin, with no fat under it becomes. You might get into a size six, but be at a bigger weight than you thought you would. Our bodies are not the same as the average non-WLS person. So i'm not sure you should even try to compare!

Also, remember what I said about the weight coming off your girls?? Mine changed in the LAST 10 pounds that I lost. THey stayed the same until then. :-)

Surgery March 23/2011. Completed three full marathons and two half marathons, two half Ironman distances. Completed my first Full Ironman distance (4 km swim, 180 km bike, 42.2 km (full marathon) run) in Muskoka August 30/2015. Next Ironman Lake Placid July 23/2017!

on 2/19/13 3:18 am - Oshawa, Ontario, Canada
VSG on 01/08/13
Thank you for replying Kelly! And I'm waiting for that last 10 I guess... LOL

Dr Sullivan VSG Jan. 8th, 2013!
  Lost 100 lbs in a year post op with a VSG. 


on 2/19/13 3:48 am - Ottawa, Canada

Just wanted to echo Kelly on the girls... Trust me, they disappear. You're only friggin 6 weeks out, lol. Wait and see. Mine were very "respectable" watermelon sized tings for almost two years (OK, started at BMI of 62, took some time)... then hubby started looking for them at my back... said, he'd already checked my chest and they're not there.

Liar! well, 36B (barely there) - all I've got left.

Nata, a very happy DSer!
Starting BMI - 62, current BMI - NORMAL!!!!!.

204 pounds lost!!!!
on 2/19/13 3:53 am - Oshawa, Ontario, Canada
VSG on 01/08/13
*snort* I just choked on my BA chewy bite!! Mine may but I'm not holding out much hope. I was a 36F when "skinny" so I know I am more likely to end up not losing enough without help... I'd just be happy to roll em into a GG again. You know?

Dr Sullivan VSG Jan. 8th, 2013!
  Lost 100 lbs in a year post op with a VSG. 


Tanya T.
on 2/19/13 4:24 am

My girls were a 44-46 triple D before surgery and now I am a they do get smaller.  I find lately my back really hurts lately not sure if it's due to the adjustments in the girls or not.



on 2/19/13 6:04 am - Oshawa, Ontario, Canada
VSG on 01/08/13

Ouch... back pain from the girls sucks...

I've been lucky to date and it is not back pain but that the left one grew last year (who knew that could happen) and mine cause(d) breathing issues. *face palm* I can't sit or lay in certain ways without them trying to kill me.

Have you gotten properly sized lately? The wrong bra size or style can really cause issues so when I hear back pain the first thing I think of is this.

Dr Sullivan VSG Jan. 8th, 2013!
  Lost 100 lbs in a year post op with a VSG. 


on 2/19/13 6:51 am - Thunder Bay, , Canada

I am the same height as you.  I have put my goal at 150-160.  At the present time I am about a 14 in pants and they are starting to loosen up.  I naturally have a smaller waist and have always had issues with pants fitting as I have the heavier thighs.   My weight has definitely dropped from the top down.  I am now wearing a 34 D bra, and depending on the fit either a medium or large top.  So it is very reasonable to set your goal for a 12 -14 or even eventually a 10. Don't get too hung up on the numbers. It is what you feel comfortable living with.  As we all know it is how we use our new tool.



Referral to Thunder Bay Bariatric Centre July 2010 Orientation Class August 2010
Appointments with dietician, nurse practitioner and psychologist September/November 2010   Ultrasound November 2010
Scope June 10, 2011, meeting with surgeon Nov 29, 2011    surgery  VSG Jan 20/12
Surgeon: Dr. Gmora
HW 287
CW 169


on 2/19/13 6:59 am - Oshawa, Ontario, Canada
VSG on 01/08/13

Thank you Jenn!

So you are like me... smaller waist.. heavier thighs (though right now you'd not know it due to the swelly belly still pushing the waist measurement up). I use to buy size 10 pants and have my mom take the waist into a size 6 to accommodate the thighs. 

They are a family trait in my family apparently... I was always just glad to not be like my one second cousin. Size 15 thighs with a size 4-5 waist and no boobs.

I was originally thinking along the lines of a 12 at my fave store which put me a 12-14 everywhere but 10 can work also... Which is why I am trying to figure out where to aim (since I am approaching the top end of those goals much sooner then I expected).

150-160 is an excellent number for someone of our height range. It is right into the normal BMI. I know that previously I was 185 lbs at a size 6 waist so I set 190 but I am not sure where I will eventually end up on that one.


Dr Sullivan VSG Jan. 8th, 2013!
  Lost 100 lbs in a year post op with a VSG. 


on 2/19/13 6:51 am, edited 2/19/13 7:00 am - Oshawa, Ontario, Canada
VSG on 01/08/13

For the sake of clarification on why I soooooooooo want mine to shrink... Or at least lose some of the mass and density.

I'm actually someone who has something called "macromastia". In other words big boobs skinny or fat - skinny I was a 43 inch bust with 34 inch ribs before round 2 of it... lucky me from the age of 13-19 eh? (And they say barbie can't stand up straight)... Round one in puberty was bi-lateral. Round 2 in my early 20's was also bi-lateral and pushed me to buy 38H (should have been 36HH but those were even more expensive). Round 3 last January they believe is unilateral macromastia (it's a nicer thought then any of the alternatives especially when the darn things were so dense they couldn't image through them even with a MRI at PMH *sigh*).

Because a 37 rib is still better fit into a 40 band (even though I should be down to a 38 now but I can't handle any pressure on my ribs with the breathing issues and my reduced FRC - Functional Reserve Capacity from the added weight/pressure of them)...

Right is a 40H - HH (Though the shift size is actually a 38HH - J - "I" isn't in B.S.S. only French and is only a GG), and lefty (the pain in my ARSE) is a 40K - L (though shift sizing puts it at a 38L - M) British Standard Sizing. Which means if I buy Italian made I am into the M's and N's... French made I am into the N's and O's and beyond.

The 40 bands are all going ot have to go out the window shortly though because if I move wrong my girls are falling out the bottom. *facepalm*

The size variance is where I am in the month... So 3 weeks of the month the smaller, and 1 week the next cup up.

I just wear things that allow them to disperse more evenly, and do 2-3 layers on the top... Reducing/minimizing bras with cups that have a fair amount of flexibility, top it with a compression tank style cami, etc. but even with those... If I wear certain things it is pretty obvious since lefty "broke" a year ago and grew.

I get away with a lot more because of the slimmer ribs, my shoulder width and my height. I am really glad I have had those going for me to date.

Dr Sullivan VSG Jan. 8th, 2013!
  Lost 100 lbs in a year post op with a VSG. 


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