Crushed Tylenol 3's

on 3/28/13 7:45 am - Canada

Did anyone come home after surgery on Tylenol 3s? I have gout so bad my foot looks like a football. My hernia, and other surgery sites started not to hurt but my foot is so bad I can't walk. Know I can't have anti-inflammatory es but if I crush  one Tylenol 3 it at least allows me to move enough to get to washroom and kitchen. I had no pain medicine since day after surgery as it made feel sick s o came home with none. Don't want to hurt anything but with this being long weekend couldn't get in to see anyone. Any ideas? Drinking as much water as I can get down and taking vitamin c as that supposedly helps get rid of the uric acid. Also read apple cider vinegar with mother....two tablespoons in a glass of water but family says afraid for me to put vinegar in right now. Any ideas? Had gout once before in my Christmas and now again! Have had high uric acid for years but why does it have to act up now! Thanks for listening to me....don't mean to complain! On bright side finally lost 3 pounds of the weight I gained in hospital so that is good!

on 3/28/13 7:49 am - Canada

i've put it in 1 tbsp for my protein shake then do it like a shot, also sf chocolate pudding covered a lot of the taste. i crush most my vitamins so this is a daily occurrence for me. good luck

on 3/28/13 7:52 am - Canada

Thanks ...if I can get this under control I am good to go! Feel so much better except for the foot pain. How are you doing?

on 3/28/13 9:15 am - Canada

i'm doing great so far, i keep waiting for something to go wrong fingers crossed that it just keeps going this way. so glad your feeling better, other than pain stuff how are you doing?

(deactivated member)
on 3/28/13 8:38 am - Peterborough, Canada
RNY on 10/19/12

Go for it Grammaof3  I used Tylenol#3's from the beginning because I have horrible  hip pain from Osteoarthritis. I crushed it and mixed in my applesauce.    

on 3/28/13 12:46 pm

I think you should hop in the car first thing in the morning and go to HRRH,  It's only a 2 1/2 hour drive, and that way whatever prescription they give you, you won't be worrying that it's going to do any harm!!

Call me first! Night!

on 3/28/13 3:06 pm

Sorry to hear that you are experiencing pain.  If you do not like to crush the pills, get a pill splitter and cut them into smaller pieces and swallow them.  I hated the taste of even the chewable multivitamin so I split it up and swallowed.  I was told that I could swallow any pill that was as small as an M&M.



on 3/28/13 10:42 pm - Canada

I just cru**** put some over applesauce top with more applesauce and swallow. Have water near by. Not to bad. I like my chewable vitamins and vitamin c but the rest all tastes so chemically. Looking forward to the day I have nothing to complain about! Hernia site great would never know I had gastric bypass and now my foot brings tears to my eyes if it is down even, let alone walk on it. my poor family must be sick of me whining but just want to get walking and shedding! thanks,


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