Help! I blew it on Optifast!the

on 3/29/13 11:12 pm - London, Canada

So I cheated on day 10 of optifast!  I ate 5 little meat balls after a full day of cooking/ serving and being around food.  I managed when everyone was here.  But after clean up, in the dark of the night I snuck food!  I have never really done that and I feel very ashamed and down now.  Feeling I don't deserve this gift if I can't follow Opti!  

Will they be able to tell at the hospital when I arrive for surgery that I cheated?  Will this delay surgery?  

Thank you for being a supportive community.  I need to be accountable and not keep my mistake a secret.  I am committed to doing better today!  Drinking first Opti now as I type.  Thanks for listening!


"Nothing is impossible; the word itself says 'I'm possible!"
Audrey Hepburn     
(deactivated member)
on 3/29/13 11:19 pm - Straford, Canada

Yes they will know, they will open you up and there will be Italian music playing all of a sudden and they willl find the undigested meatballs and they will close you up and have an Italian flag tatooed to your forehead (think 'Inglorious Basards')...  

Relax, pull up your big girl panties, dust yourself off and stay out of the kitchen for a little while if you can. Once the surgery is done you may want to tell this story to a staff psychologist and ask for some help with the sneeking food in the dark stuff.  

on 3/29/13 11:40 pm - Canada

Oh Ian, you are too funny.  I almost spit coffee on my monitor!!!  Inglorious *******s, well I see something other than the Italian flag.  Thank you for starting my saturday off with a laugh!

on 3/29/13 11:22 pm - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 01/20/12

They can't tell . but for your health get back n the wagon. Good luck





(deactivated member)
on 3/29/13 11:37 pm - Peterborough, Canada
RNY on 10/19/12

Don't worry if you had to cheat I think meatballs are better than a gallon of ice cream. Now that you know how it feels to cheat I am sure you won't do it again. Just suck it up and move on. Best of luck.

PS if you want to feel better. I know someone who had a plate of fish and chips on the last week of there optifast.  You can make it Big Hugs 

on 3/29/13 11:48 pm - Canada
I am on Day 5 and its hard! I am totally avoiding the kitchen at dinnertime. Luckily my hubby is able to take over and feed the family. Normally I would hate working on a saturday but today I am grateful for the distraction. Good luck, keep busy and hide in your bedroom during dinner and after dinner if you can! You can do it! Today is a fresh start!
on 3/30/13 1:06 am - Oshawa, Ontario, Canada
VSG on 01/08/13

Breath. In through your nose and out through your mouth.

What's done is done... move on and don't do it again.

Opti is the HARDEST part according to most... and if 5 meatballs is your slip then it is a far cry from some of what I've heard.

Dr Sullivan VSG Jan. 8th, 2013!
  Lost 100 lbs in a year post op with a VSG. 


on 3/30/13 1:12 am - Canada

Yeah i cheated last night and had one of those little Baby Bell cheeses.

I'm on day 3 of opti and I probably won't cheat again..

Anyhow, don't sweat it...

Referred: August 8, 2012. - Referral to HRRH  Dr. Hagan Dec 20 - Surgery scheduled for April 16, 2013! Surgery completed and I`m doing fine!


on 3/30/13 1:45 am

Just move forward....I had a blow out one night of optifast (I think it was day 9), and I still lost about 22 pounds in just over two weeks.  One night sure isn't going to kill things for you.

January 8th, 2013 - VSG with Dr Paul Sullivan (St Joe's Toronto)


on 3/30/13 2:22 am - Canada
RNY on 03/11/13


Honestly, I don't think they will be able to tell that you ate 5 meatballs on day 10.  Maybe, if you ate them the day before the operation, and they were still in your bowels then perhaps, but I don't think a smidgeon of fat in the meat in the meat balls will hurt much.  I know you won't do it again, you're so panicked about it - you'll do fine!

I'll tell you my story - I had a sore throat the last week before my RNY and I was extremely afraid that I would get a full-blown cold and my colds always seemed to turn into sinus and ear infections with coughs, at least before my MD told me to take antihistamine and decongestant and oregano oil, so I took every remedy I could think of to ward off a cold. 

I took oregano oil - 1/3 of an eyedropper three times a day.  By the time I had finished the bottle, I finally got half a brain working and wondered what else except oregano was in oregano oil.  The 1st ingredient was olive oil!!!  Can you imagine my horror?  Oil, just what I shouldn't have been eating and all the last week too.  I didn't calm down until I figured out that if the entire contents of the little bottle were olive oil, I had had 120 calories - although pure oil.

No one said a word about having trouble with my liver being too big and no one asked me if I had been guzzling olive oil either, the surgeon said it was a textbook operation. 

So, don't worry about the meatballs!

Jenn.  :)

 1st appointment - Feb. 23rd, 2012. RNY Dr Cyriac Mar. 11th, 2013.




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