Concern About Preparedness !!!!!!

on 4/14/13 11:24 am - trenton, ontario, Canada
I agree with kayak and this post urked me to
(deactivated member)
on 4/14/13 12:03 pm

You dont know me or anyone else here from Adam. Dont presume that we are not prepared. Just because we ask questions does not make us unprepared,... it makes us more prepared. I for one have put in many many hours of research and if I still dont know I ask. You failed at the first attempt and for that i am sorry ... but dont assume others will fail. 

on 4/14/13 12:50 pm

Wow Lynn, you took what i said all WRONG. I was trying to stress preparedness. We all have put in many hours . I was commenting on certain posts that i noticed and wondered if they dont know the basics right before or even after surgery they may struggle from the start.  Thats why i stressed preparedness.I used myself as a example , to help people. And i never said anyone would fail. Thats why i posted, i dont want people to struggle. 99% of will probably be well prepared but some wont ,for what ever reason. Just like my two friends. I also commented on all clinics not having the same information. And that it would be easier if all clinics had same guidelines. I wasnt trying to offened anyone as i stated in my 2 posts, but you Lynn on the other hand took it personal, that was not my intention. Krista... .

Refered Jan 15/13..Surgery June 27/13 , Dr Hagan.


(deactivated member)
on 4/14/13 1:20 pm

I did not take what you said wrong.or personal...please once more do not assume you know what I a thinking ... 

on 4/14/13 1:45 pm - Scarborough Ontario, Canada

I feel at times you can read into things and ASSUME things when really its our way of either venting or just saying whats on our mind in hopes of not going to get scolded. WE dont always all make the right decissions or say things the right way but here we are hoping that there are gentle hands and not heavy ones to scold. I feel a lot of us not just ones you have pointed out but a lot of us took what you said personal and somewhat of an attack and these also might be reasons why people have read and not commented. I think we all are doing our best to learn and find out as much as we can for this life changing event that is going to or has taken place in our lives.

The way you might prepare and I might prepare might be different but we are all here for support and to help one another and we all have the same reason for meeting here.


on 4/14/13 12:04 pm

Sorry if i urked you ladies, i was just stressing being prepared. ... Krista....

Refered Jan 15/13..Surgery June 27/13 , Dr Hagan.


on 4/14/13 12:24 pm, edited 4/14/13 12:34 pm - Canada
VSG on 02/12/13



You never urked me.

I agree about the clinics and the guidelines and how different they actually are they all should be the same.

I also understand what you mean about being prepared I made sure I read everything I could about the surgery and what was needed to be done afterwards and for the rest of my life. I still refer to the handouts that the centre gave us and seek as much information I can from some great people I have met through this process, support groups and on forums such as this.

I do not think people are unprepared I think that some may not realize how hard this journey really is. Food is a big part of our life and society it is every where. This journey is a whole new way of eating drinking etc. it takes relearning everything we have done in way of eating, drinking and thinking up to this point and to deal with the issue's of our relationship with food. For some people they have to seek additional help from their NUT or their SW/Psych to deal with these issue's.

So we all have to remember everyone is different and we come here for information and support be it good or bad.

Referral- March 2012, Letter April 19, Orientation TWH- June 6, NP - July 3, Sleep Apena test July 16, Internist and SW  - July 17, Nutritional class - July 23, Dietician appt. July 30th, Psych-Social appt - Aug 20th. Follow up with doctor sleep apena Aug. 28th  Surgeons appt. - Dec. 14th Dr. Jackson. Surgery date - Feb 12 2013 - VSG   

on 4/14/13 1:03 pm

Thank-you for your reply Nanato, I should have worded my post differently . I never meant to offened anyone. I just see some struggling so early on with basic info , it made me concerned for them. It made me wonder ,maybe their clinic didnt inform them right or, i know how it i at doctors appointment and if you dont write it all down you forget everything, There is a lot to take in. And like i said i wasnt prepared for my last surgery. I just wanted to stress prepardness and it came out wrong sorry. Trust me  am not one to point fingers.  Thank again Krista..

Refered Jan 15/13..Surgery June 27/13 , Dr Hagan.


on 4/14/13 12:40 pm - Canada

All questions welcome we all agree upon that right but I'm from Thunder Bay and many of us have extremely long waits compared to 3 and 4 months some are waiting in the south.  And yes the help I need help post can be more than troublesome sometimes I reply feeling that all that's needed is tlc.  If I am wrong and they truly have not had protein in three or four weeks  then yes they may have needed to wait longer and learn more because something is wrong.....  And the other thing that gets me is the negative attitude so many have towards the SW staff . Maybe if more of the SW caught those that become overwhelmed so quickly we would see a lot less help postings and the SW could spend more time helping those that struggle develope skills that can avoid the crisis mode that many seem to post from.  I am not picking sides rather agreeing with both.  


And please do not congratulate one for getting through so quickly and then tell me to us the time wisely because we need the time to learn.  I think more need to realize surgery is just a tool not even a magical one just a tool and what you do, and what you learn make the difference..........p










 Respectfully Jane
on 4/14/13 1:17 pm

Thank-you for your post Jane. You said it much better than me lol. Thats what i meant about being prepared. It may be the clinic rushing things along and there is sooo much info that at appointments things get forgotten if not written down etc. I just was trying to stress preparedness , even using myself as a example. I have my SW,RD,NUT  next week and i have all my paper ready. AND my pen and paper lol. Take care Krista...

Refered Jan 15/13..Surgery June 27/13 , Dr Hagan.


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