It's Saturday April 20th...Pureed foods 1st day

on 4/20/13 3:59 am

My diet planner said I could  have scrambled eggs pureed. 1 egg with milk...little bit of butter.,

WOW what a nice taste next to broths....   but, I ate to fast...and I think I had juice too close to eating it too.   I ate it right after 1/2 small container yogurt (leftover).... I wanted to throw up so badly.  I put up with pain and nausea  waited the min. 30 minutes to have fluid.

Oh well, I learned the hard way....  I am discouraged now.  They still want me to get in protein powder and vitamins and calcium.... I can't do the latter... too much all at once.  Just barely getting my heart and regular meds into me.

I didn't eat all the eggs....but was 2 tsp shy of that...  I realized after the fact that...ooops...I didn't measure it into 1/ lesson learned.

anyone else do that after not eating for so long?





on 4/20/13 6:25 am
RNY on 09/20/12

Hi Barb

There are other people as well that have a hard time with eggs. I would not as yet add butter (maybe "too much of the good stuff" ) Even now ( 7 months out) - I don't add butter . I microwave mine - and maybe try a "soft microwave" first - not too hard.

Make sure you eat only a couple of tablespoons every 15 minutes. Especially when you go from 1 stage to another - sometimes you need to give yourself some more time.

Don't get discouraged! One day at the time. heart

And yes, really try some protein powders. And if you have problems with the Wellesse liquid calcium maybe try the bariatric advantage ones ( they melt in your mouth) . And I took my heart meds with apple sauce ( unsweetened)

Take care




Judge your success by what you had to give up in order to get it.


on 4/20/13 10:49 am - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 01/20/12

Poached eggs go down easier than scrambled. But even 13 mths out I still have problems with eggs sometimes. And drinking too soon can be a hard lesson.

Don't be discouraged. Get in your protein as best you can. This is really important.  If you are taking other drugs then taking vitamins should be a breeze. Just schedule them at the same time.





on 4/20/13 10:58 am

You can also try a hard boiled egg, mashed with some mayonnaise.  I found either poached egg or egg salad went down easier.  Now, scrambled, over easy or omelet goes down fine.



on 4/21/13 7:37 am - Kitchener, Canada

this is the try it and see what happens stage.  Remember, one item today may not go down tomorrow.  Take your time, go very slow and take tiny bites.     frustration and discouragement seem to be the norm as you learn your new way.  don't give up, you are worth it !!!

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