Trail Mix Recipe

on 4/22/13 8:08 am

I am looking for a trail mix recipe. Maybe some can help me?? I got some almonds and sugar free chipits. But I don't know what else to put in with them. And what nuts are better than others? One thing is, I am allergic to RAW PEANUTS!! And even if this is a good idea or not? I would like it to be low carb and high protein afternoon snack while at work.  Thanks to all that reply!!

on 4/23/13 9:43 am - Canada

Here is my "world famous" high protein, trail mix recipe. Everybody I know LOVES it! I make a big batch and freeze it in zip lock baggies. Then I have lots to share:)

I do not suggest this while in weight loss mode. It is an excellent snack when in maintenance. As in everything ,moderation is the key! I eat very little of the dried fruit as I find it too high in sugar.

3 lb raw almonds (Costco has the best) sometimes I do 1/2 almonds, 1/2 pecans

2 egg whites

T cinnamon

1/3 c granulated splenda or stevia (but much less)

3 T pure vanilla extract

1/4 c sugar free syrup of choice (my favorite is Chai Tea by Davinci, but almond, cinnamon, vanilla, pumpkin are all good too)

1/2 c chocolate bits (sugar free are good, I use a high % chocolate, 70% or higher)

1 c dried cranberries ( or pineapple, or mango etc)

1 c dried bananna chips

1 c homemade low fat/sugar granola (I have used store bought but they are usually higher in fat and/or sugar than I want)

1/4 c flax seed


Preheat the oven to 250*

Whip the 2 egg whites until frothy. Add the cinnamon, splenda, vanilla, syrup, blend. Then pour over the raw nuts and toss until well coated.

Transfer the nuts to parchment lined cookie sheets (you will need 2)

Roast in the oven for a total of 60 minutes. Stir them around every 20 minutes. Remove from oven and cool really well (it will melt your chocolate if you don't)

Once cool add the rest of the ingredients.



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