Reflecting on the many changes over the past year, since I had my surgery......

on 10/29/13 10:54 am - Toronto, Canada
RNY on 05/29/13

Congrats!!!  You certainly are an inspiration. I too am coming down from over 500lbs (today is my 5 month so i can relate to your  story and your post gives my hope for my journey.  Keep up the great work :)



on 11/3/13 11:22 am

Thanks for sharing that Debbie, no one said it would be easy but slowly we are getting there!

It took me years to share my weight, I was so embarassed and upset with myself. I never wanted to be in a picture

or even look at a picture of myself let alone look in the mirror, find clothes to fit or go out of the house sometimes. I'm sure you can relate to many of the things I have felt.  I wish you all the best on your journey as well!

on 11/2/13 6:56 am - Stratford, ON, Canada
RNY on 08/22/13

Hi Jan,

Congratulations on your surgiversary and the hard work that you've done to be so successful. I am truly blessed to have you for a friend and mentor. Your heart-felt sharing has helped me soooo many times along the way - you're an angel on earth!

Bright blessings for continued success!



I'm not overweight, I'm "UnderTall"

on 11/3/13 11:28 am

Big Hugs!!  Thanks Sandy I am so thankful to have you as a friend as well. It works both ways you have inspired me many times and helped to keep me positive.  You seen me at my worst, when l was struggling and also at my best.  You never judged me or acted embarassed to call me your friend. Thanks for the comment about the angel, true friends don't notice a broken wing or dented halo! 

I wish you all the best on your journey as well, your off to a wonderful new beginning!


on 11/3/13 11:20 am - Canada

Thank you so much for sharing this journey.  I was truly touched an honored you shared it.  I read and found myself identifying so much with some of the things you described.  I am waiting to start my journey but it is stories like yours that gives me hope that what I am dong is the right thing to do.  I am so grateful to you for sharing such a personal journey and wanted to tell you thank gave me what I needed just when I needed it most.

So many blessings and well wishes coming at you!



on 11/3/13 11:33 am

Sharing has always been one of my weaknesses, it's been easier for me to help others then doing things for myself,  but being able to inspire you and others as l continue my journey makes me smile. Often helping others helps us at the same time. I'm glad you were able to relate to my journey and hearing you say it has already helped you confirms my purpose!   

I wish you all the best and if there is anything I can do to help you along the way please let me know.  I wish you all the best!


on 11/3/13 11:36 am - Canada

thank you so much!  Keep up the great are an inspiration

on 11/3/13 6:49 pm - Canada
RNY on 12/03/13
Thank you for posting this.
I start 4 weeks of opti tomorrow.
In the 400's and having a very hard time the past week with mobility. I have a knee injury that never been treated correctly cause of weight and a back problem also that has never been treated proper cause I can't fit in MRI's and X-rays don't give a clear shot cause of me size. Been feeling like a blob of fat lately and that's all ppl see. Like you said. Just see my size. Don't see me.
This is a very emotional time for me, cause it all coming so much clear I need to surgery to help save my quality of life. Losing 250lbs in one year is a dream for me. It what I need to lose.
What was you daily exercise like?
Thank you for sharing.. I needed to read today that it's possible!!


 Referral May 17 '13 / Orientation June 17 '13 / Meeting w Dr Hagen June 26 '13 / RN,RD,SW July 31 '13 / Dr.Glazer Sept 3 '13/ Sleep Study Sept 5 '13 /2nd app w Dr Hagen Sept 16 '13 / F/U w  Dr Glazer  Sept 23 '13 / PRATTS Nov 14 '13/ Surgery Dec 3rd '13


on 11/4/13 11:17 am

Thanks, yes it is possible and you need to believe in yourself because I know you can do it!!

I look forward to reading your story in about a year from now and hearing of your progress and changes in your quailty of life, so make sure you keep us posted.

To answer your question regarding exercise.  Before surgery exercise wasn't even part of my vocabulary I would huff and puff just walking a few steps, and reach for my walker. Up and down stairs was a real task for me.  Anything physical was. However before surgery I started one of my goals was to do some form of activity so l joined a swim program.  Now i can walk as well as go swimming and aqua fit so that is my main source of exercise.  Hope this answers your question.  

Take care and good luck on optifast and your  journey!!



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