Quick supper on the go

on 11/15/13 8:45 pm - Canada

I am looking for some quick supper ideas on the go. On some days I get home get my kids supper then have to leave at 4:30 for hockey for both at different rinks and don't get home till 9pm. I don't mind buying something some time ( no idea what) or a supper that will keep me full for that time . I can pack a lunch with protein drink but looking for other ideas



on 11/15/13 8:49 pm - North Bay, Canada

The cans of flavored tuna, beef jerky (higher in sodium), coldcut wrapped around cheese, hummus snacks, baked chickpeas

RNY - Dec 18/2013

 HW- 333 lbs. Approved for Surgery- 285.4 SW- 272.  GW-160-180


on 11/15/13 8:53 pm - Canada

I love chickpeas but never heard if baked chick peas.  And cold cut and cheese is that just jean turkey breast wrapped around a piece of cheese ?


on 11/17/13 9:43 am - Canada
RNY on 07/23/13

Yup you got it. Cold cuts and laughing cow cheese is what I usually have for lunch. Okay, sometimes dinner too. Cheese strings would work great too.


on 11/15/13 8:52 pm, edited 11/15/13 8:53 pm - Brampton, ON, Canada
RNY on 10/15/13

I agree those pre packaged Tuna Kits they can keep in your car even for emergency while out and about.

But if your looking for meals to feed you and the kiddos before a game it's really best to have stuff in the freezer ready to microwave  so on the weekends get yourself busy and make a chili or something to that effect and freeze enough in each container that it will thaw out in minutes.

Being prepared in advance is the healthiest way to eat.


HW 312  SW 289.5  Current Weight 135

SURGERY OCTOBER 15, 2013 Toronto Western Hospital - Dr. David Urbach  


Katie M.
on 11/15/13 9:01 pm - Georgetown, Canada
RNY on 10/18/13

I agree with the frozen chilli idea :) Also if you get caught out with no food, stop at a Tim Hortons and get a bowl of chilli, you can ask them to keep the bun. I also keep a measuring cup in the car in case I need to portion something out on the run,  like Hortons chilli :)

Referral May 2013 / orientation at TWH June 27 / nurse practitioner July 3 / social worker August 19 / nutrition class August 26 / nutritionist August 30 / psychologist September 3 / meet surgeon (Dr. Penner) September 20 / PATTS October 10 / Surgery October 18 2013!  


on 11/15/13 8:56 pm - Canada

I have food for kids, I make lasagna and pasta etc before hand for them. They won't est whole wheat so I am looking for stuff for myself. The kids are the easy part. Harder when it snows as harder to BBQ for them also 


on 11/15/13 8:58 pm - Brampton, ON, Canada
RNY on 10/15/13

Someone needs a George Foreman Grill for Christmas kiss

HW 312  SW 289.5  Current Weight 135

SURGERY OCTOBER 15, 2013 Toronto Western Hospital - Dr. David Urbach  


on 11/15/13 9:03 pm

If you have a crockpot how about making something in there?  It does the cooking for you on those busy days and you come home to a nice hot meal. Also a lot cheaper than delivery or take out. Here is a link to get you started: http://recipes.sparkpeople.com/curated.asp?curated=5&t=Easy+ Slow+Cooker+Recipes

I have one that is programmable now so it will shut off and keep the food warm for up to 6 hours. Hope this helps and good luck! 

Highest: 320, Surgery: 255 (Aug/14), Lowest: 132, Current: 167, Goal: 155

Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards. - Soren Kierkegaard

on 11/15/13 9:07 pm - North Bay, Canada
 Roasted Chickpeas   1 (15 oz.) can Chickpeas (aka Garbanzo, Ceci) 1 Tablespoon Basil Flavored Olive Oil 1/2 teaspoon Kosher Salt   Rinse and drain chickpeas. Toss with olive oil and sprinkle with salt. Spread on a cookie sheet.    Bake at 400 for 45-50 minutes. Turning every 15 minutes. Watch them in the last 5 minutes. There's a perfect point when the chickpeas become crunchy and golden nut-like globes of wonderfulness. Warning: these little suckers are ADDICTIVE. you can other spices, i have nit tried them but i know a few bariatric patients who love them.

RNY - Dec 18/2013

 HW- 333 lbs. Approved for Surgery- 285.4 SW- 272.  GW-160-180


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