itchy like h*ll

on 11/20/13 9:53 pm - Canada

I had a cold start on Last Thur or Friday and since Saturday I am so itchy on my legs, butt and inner thighs. I see little bumps random but I am so itchy it is incredible. I did a google search and it seems to be more commom than I thought. I have tried calamine lotion, aloh and vaseline. MY house is not very dry and I take quick luke warm showers . If anyone else is having this problem what did you take it is driving me crazy. I haven't called my GP as I have different appointments this week and off a couple days next so I feel bad about going to gp. Is there a cream to take the itching away with a prescription.


on 11/20/13 9:56 pm - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 01/20/12

It sounds like an allergic reaction. Did you take anything for your cold? Benedryl will take away the itch but will probably make you drowsy





on 11/20/13 10:01 pm - Canada

sorry, I have not used any new soaps, creams, foods etc. I don't think its allergies. Some others under the google search said it could be skin no being kept dry ? etc. I wasnt sure if we were allowed Benadryl as I have some for the kids etc. I will call me doctor as it is bad


on 11/20/13 10:02 pm - barrie, Canada
Try reactine not all allergy meds work well for hives and rashes. I have lived my life for twenty years almost every day on reactine due to food allergies.


Referral - Sept 23rd, Resent Referral - Oct 29th - Orientation Nov 18/13, Dr Hyuhn Nov 26  -  SW/RN/RD - DEC 20TH - DR GLAZER FEB 25/13 Surgery Date: June 3, 2014

HW:252 OPTI W:224  SW 212 CW:205.5

on 11/20/13 10:15 pm - barrie, Canada

I think you are post op and it may be a new food intolerance.  One day years ago I woke up itchy like you and stayed that way for 6 months scratching myself on my legs, head, arms... everywhere.  I worked with a pharmacist and tried many different creams and allergy medicines.  It wasnt until I tried reactine.

My allergy is to something in dairy products.  I am also intolerant to some dairy products, but the skin hives I get are an allergic reaction.  I had the skin test done for allergies and they said it was negative for dairy... they are wrong.  Once certain dairy hits my stomach, itch fest!

Since, new intolerances are common post op.  Try looking at what you ate.. In the mean time reactine should help.  I think you are getting hives... Not traditional hives.  The ones I got at the start were small raised bumps.  Without reactine, my scratch marks appear raised too.


Hope this helps!



Referral - Sept 23rd, Resent Referral - Oct 29th - Orientation Nov 18/13, Dr Hyuhn Nov 26  -  SW/RN/RD - DEC 20TH - DR GLAZER FEB 25/13 Surgery Date: June 3, 2014

HW:252 OPTI W:224  SW 212 CW:205.5

on 11/20/13 10:18 pm - Canada

That sounds like it, but I haven't tried anything new. I will buy some Reatine as this is something I wouldnt wish on my worst enemies. Also I have a hockey tournament with the kids on next Thurs with a 5 hour drive and a water park .

thanks everyone


(deactivated member)
on 11/20/13 10:21 pm - Bumfuknowhere, Canada

A lot of us post op get dry, itchy skin because our fat intake is greatly reduced.  Are you using any cream on your skin after you shower? It could just be a bad case of itchy skin.  I make sure to use cream after every shower to keep my skin moisturized and it seems a lot less itchy.  It could be hives so you could try some benadryl or other anti-histamines to see if that helps.

on 11/20/13 11:03 pm - Canada

yes, when I get out of the shower I use a lotion with aloh, my skin is fairly moist, maybe I need to increase my water intake, I hate water intake as I find it hard. I was a diet soda junkie ( mountain dew) . I don't really like crystal lights or the other stuff to add to water. Its better for me but hard to stop that craving watching the hockey games


on 11/21/13 3:20 am

Could be a viral rash related to your cold virus.  Assuming you have kids who usually get these things so perhaps you caught it from them.  You can take any antihistamine orally for the itch but the rash will take a week to fade and you will notice it will get redder when you take a warm shower.  You could also try a mild steroid cream but because your rash is all over the oral antihistamine is better and ultimately cheaper. 



on 11/21/13 3:35 am - Canada

I bought some Reactine and it said try one pill every so many hours. I took one at 12 noon and its not as bad as it was but still am itchy. Don't know if I have to take these for a few days before it starts to really work but the itch is bad but it was horrible


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