Im so annoyed and sad

on 1/6/15 2:18 pm - Welland, Canada
RNY on 12/16/14

I don't blend my food for exactly the same reason. I just mash veggies and such if I'm eating a soup into smaller bits and eat really... -=really=- slow. It helps me mentally digest what I'm eating and even though my portions are smaller and the food takes longer to eat.. I'm satisfied and feel better about it. I agree though, totally done with pureed mush, lol. 

Referral - Feb 25th, 2014. Info Session - April 7th 
Surgeon#1 - May 15th  Dr. Glazer - July 23rd, Dietitian/Social Worker/RN - Aug 1st, Surgeon #2 - Sept 10th, Surgery - Dec 16th, 2014!

on 1/7/15 12:54 am

I'm in the same boat I lose my appetite when I blend my food, and to be honest I feel when I blend my food the texture becomes heavier if that makes sense?  Like its puréed but it's stiff, not as moist. I guess add more gravy or more water? I'm going to stay away from my cooking and eat something lighter.

Thanks Jaxie!

(deactivated member)
on 1/6/15 6:32 pm, edited 1/6/15 6:33 pm - Toronto, Canada
RNY on 10/20/14

Hang in there! I'm just about 10 weeks post op, and i can tolerate everything ive tried. Mind you, I've stayed away from anything greasy, high in sugar or fat. I feel as though I haven't even had surgery. It just takes time. I pretty much lived off soup and soft puréed until week 5, and by week 8 I have been completely feeling different. It's a struggle in the beginning for sure, but trust, it will get better. 

on 1/7/15 1:00 am

Thanks Jennifer, I honestly can't wait until I reach the stage where you are at. I would like to feel comfortable eating again. (However I don't miss my portion sizes or the food I used to eat lol)



Karen M.
on 1/6/15 6:50 pm - Mississauga, Canada

Hey :)

Seyenna has given you some excellent advice with respect to how you're eating - take the tiniest of bites and basically let anything more solid than water melt away in your mouth and then slowly swallow. Learning to eat again is often a huge challenge - take it really, really slow. Don't worry about how long it takes you to eat as it's meant to take you a long time. Be sure to get your fluids in and your protein in - protein shakes are your friend right now. If you get dehydrated from lack of fluids you can most definitely have nausea/vomiting issues, drink up!  Also Gravol can help with the nausea and I took it frequently the first several weeks post-op.

What you are experiencing is not dumping syndrome, no. It is your newborn rearranged guts trying to learn how to work. You said that you feel well enough to go back to work - you may want to rethink that until you get your eating sorted out. The last thing you want to be doing is having to run to the washroom to throw up every time you try to eat something - unfortunately I know all about this from when I was immediately post-op.

Your weight loss (or lack of) is completely normal. Do a search on "3 week stall" and you will find literally several hundred posts on that topic.

I will say this to make you aware - if you continue to be unable to keep things down there may be a medical reason and you will need to seek assistance at your bariatric centre. A stricture can form closing off your stoma making eating/drinking impossible. I myself had a stricture at about 4-5 weeks out from surgery and had to have a balloon endoscopy to dilate the stoma - since then I've been completely fine and that was 9 years ago. lol

You hang in there. Your new frankenguts can be fickle and slow and need to be taught to eat again.

K. xo




Ontario Recipes Forum -

on 1/7/15 1:08 am

Lol thanks Karen!

Its good to know that it's just my body trying to get used to the major change its gone through, I really hope it's nothing more than that.

I will definitely do the 3 week stall search and read up.

Everyone gives such great advice on this blog site, without you guys I would be so lost!


on 1/6/15 8:46 pm - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 01/20/12

I wouldn't rush to get baby food. Much of it tastes aweful. It also does not have enough nutrients for an adult. I gave away most of what I had bought for this phase





on 1/7/15 1:09 am

You're right, and the taste is too bland for my liking!

on 1/6/15 9:46 pm - Mississauga, Canada
RNY on 02/03/14

Hi Sadgirl,  Sometimes our stomachs are not able to handle some foods.  Just remember that the food timetables are just guidelines, you may have to stay on liquids or pureed for longer than you expected.  It took me awhile to get to each level as my stomach could not handle the changes and the nurse told me to give it time and just go back more lighter foods for a bit.  She told me that not all people advance at the same level and to take it easy, but if I was continuing to have problems to call and let them know as it could be from something else.

I am at almost a year out and still have days where getting my food in is hard, give it time and listen to your body.

Good luck.  :)


Orientation March 13, 2013 / Social Worker June 11 / Nurse Practitioner July 10 / Nutrition class, Blood, ECG Aug. 20 / Surgeon Consult - Dr. Penner Sept. 20 / CT Scan Oct. 10 / Surgeon Consult - Dr. Urbach Oct. 18 / Psychologist Oct. 30 / Nutritionist Oct. 30 / Dr. Urbach Dec. 13 / PAATS Jan. 24 / Surgery February 3, 2014    


on 1/7/15 1:15 am

I think I'm going to have go back to my liquids or even light puréed foods. No more of my cooking because apparently my stomach doesn't even like it lol.

Thank you so much !


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