Shout it from the Rooftops!

on 7/6/15 12:03 pm - Canada


I know it's not THAT big of a deal and I still have a LONG way to go, but for awhile I was starting to wonder if I was going to actually hear from anybody. I was referred to the OBN back on April 28th. I've been referred to TWH and my orientation date is July 29th. For someone who's not waiting for this surgery, the news of getting an orientation date may not be a big deal to them- but it is to me! I know all of you are in the same boat as me, or have been in the same boat as me and know exactly how I feel. 

This news couldn't come at a better time.

I'm so sick of carrying around all of this weight. It's exhausting, really. Back when I was 14 and we were doing cross country running in gym class, I was explaining to my teacher why I couldn't run with everyone else. I said to him "You try and run 2km's with someone of your weight piggy backing on your back, and tell me how well you keep up." I'm SICK of carrying this around. I'm sick of the failed attempts at anything and everything to try and get rid of this weight. I'm sick of not looking on the outside like who I really am on the inside. I teach, and I'm sick of the kids asking me at school if I'm pregnant, or if I swallowed a watermelon, or ask me why I'm so fat, or poke my arms when I wear a t-shirt (kindergarteners). I'm sick of sitting in the staff room and having other staff lament about how fat they are, right in front of me, and they're literally a size 2. I'm sick of the looks I get when I talk about healthy food and/or recipes I have, because really, what does a fat girl know about anything healthy? I'm sick of the swollen ankles and the sore knees. I'm sick of not feeling sexy. I'm sick of avoiding mirrors or looking at myself in certain angles in mirrors for fear of being ashamed at what I see. I'm sick of doctors judging my lifestyle before they even know me just because of my weight. I'm sick of being afraid to sit in the folding chairs at my nephew's t-ball games because the weight limit on the chairs is 225 lbs. I'm sick of not being able to go shopping where I want and wear what I want. I'm sick of not feeling comfortable in my own skin. I love myself, I really do. Don't think of this as self loathing. I love my body, and my personality, and who I am as a person. I just know that my body needs some help to be the best it can be, so that I can be the best I can be. 

Sorry for the long winded post- I'm just a little bit excited :) 



on 7/6/15 12:28 pm - london, Canada

Congratulations on getting your orientation date!  It feels good to finally get the process started.


Tara Sauders
on 7/6/15 1:26 pm - Canada

Congratulations on getting your date!

Your post took the words right out of my mouth - exactly how I am feeling too!

Good luck on your journey!

HW=268.6; Opti day 1=268.6; SW=254.6; Referral Aug 2014; Orientation at HRRH Feb 13, 2015; Meet Dr.Klein July 23; Dr.Glazer Aug 6; SW & RD Sept 3rd; RN Oct 23rd; 2nd Dr.Klein Sept 16; PATT call Oct 8th; Start Opti Oct 21; PATT appt Oct 23rd; RNY 12:00pm Nov 4, 2015




on 7/6/15 2:46 pm

Congratulations on getting your orientation date! I do remember how exciting it was to officially start the process :) and I was sick of many of the same things you posted about...

I had my orientation in July 2014 at TWH and had surgery in February 2015 (RNY).Looking back that is such a short time to wait even though it felt like forever at the time. Post surgery it seems like the time flew by, in the last 4 months I have lost 80 lbs - and am feeling like I have a new lease on life!

All the best to you on your journey, enjoy!

Referral: May 2014 / Surgery: February 2015 Dr. Jackson TWH

on 7/6/15 5:16 pm - Cobourg, Canada
VSG on 04/12/13

Oh yea - you are so READY! You also got your orientation date really quick after your referal.  I hope the rest of your journey goes as smoothly.

on 7/6/15 5:43 pm - OWEN SOUND, Canada

Excited for you!!  I know it may not seem like it - but the time will go fast!  Just go in, listen, take notes, ask questions, read the posts on here and keep that positive excited energy moving forward!  Cheers :)

Referral: August 2014 Orientation: 28Nov14 Social Worker: 05Feb15 Nurse Practitioner: 25Feb15 Nutrition Class: 30Mar15 Dietitian: 14Apr15 Psychologist: 21Apr15 NP followup: 23Apr15 Meet Surgeon: 26June15 Start Opti/PreOp: 21July15 Surgery!: 04Aug15!! 

I keep a blog... you're welcome to read it anytime :)


on 7/6/15 6:16 pm - Canada

Congrats on the date!

My hubby had his doctor put in a referral in March and he still hasn't gotten a letter although at my appt last week we asked at the front desk and they had him in the system with an orientation date of Aug 5 so I think they're a little backed up and maybe the letter was lost in the mail.

I remember when I got my letter last October I was so excited but thought geeze this is going to take forever. Now I'm passed all my appts and less then 2 months away from surgery! It'll fly by trust me :)

Orientation @TWH Jan 26 2015 // Social Worker March 9 2015 // Nurse Practitioner March 11 2015 // Psychology April 28 2015  // Nutrition Class May 19 2015 // Dietitian June 9 2015 // Meet Dr.Penner July 3 2015 // OptiFast start Aug 5 2015 // Surgery @ TWH August 25 2015!


Kathy S.
on 7/7/15 1:17 pm - InTheBurbs, XX
RNY on 08/29/04 with

HW:330 - GW:150 - MW:118-125

RW:190 - CW:130

Kim T.
on 7/8/15 6:07 am - Canada
RNY on 09/29/15

Congratulations on your orientation date.  I know exactly how you feel, ditto for all of it.  Thank you for posting and saying so expertly what a lot of us must be feeling.  My GP recommended me for GP surgery over 3 yrs ago so anyone getting in earlier than that is doing good.  I had my orientation in Dec 2014 and just had my first appointment with surgeon on June 17th.  I met with the dietician on July 3rd and she didn't "pass" me because she wants to see me eat more regular balanced meals first and I have to back in 6 wks.  I was a little disappointed, no - a LOT disappointed as I expected to pass.  I guess we can't have everything our own way in the process eh?  Good luck on your journey and take care.


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