on 1/10/16 6:41 pm - Canada

Its the night before opti fast and the real start of my weight loss journey. I am confident that I have the tools to be successful but you really don't know how you will do because you've not attempted such a task before. 

I have to take opti for 2 weeks and then surgery jan25/16 in Guelph by dr Jules Nelong. 

The fact that I need to do this to shrink my liver before surgery tells me that I will not risk going to surgery and having it stop because my liver is fatty due to not following the opti diet. 

So im sure I will be disciplined in completing the 2 weeks. 

Im having a lap band removal with revision to RNY 

My real relief will be once the surgery is successfully completed. It's been such a long journey. It's taken almost a year to complete with a lot of discipline and hardwork for this to work for me.  

I want thank this forum for the knowledge base and info I found here was priceless. I want to thank you all 



on 1/10/16 8:12 pm - Canada

Happy Opti Eve!!!!!

2wks will pass before you know it.  Opti teaches you a lot about head hunger, and yourself.     Its a great "warm up" for all the changes that you will be making for your new Bariatric life.  The first few days can be rough for some, but just remember it does get easier each day.  Best of luck to you will do great 

  SW- 260    GW- 150    CW -138    Height - 5'5      RNY- St Josephs Hamilton July 17/2015  

on 1/11/16 10:30 am - Canada

Thanks for your post and sweet words 

thx again 



on 1/18/16 2:01 am - Canada

Wow I can truly say this has been my biggest challenge ,I've had the first few days the hardest by after that it has been ok. I'm down to my final week and with 6 days to go before surgery I'm glad it's over. It's been the hardest  part of the journey thus far. 

I can honestly say that it has taught me a lot of discipline with my program. 

Im just glad it's almost done. I have this final week and then the day of surgery. 

I've learned that head hunger can play real games with your life. After the first few days it was ok. Yes I craved the food but not because I was hungry. Sounds funny but yes your head plays games with you. 

Im days away and I'm so relieved that it's coming  to the end , l only pray that the surgery is a success that I may go on and compete what I started. 

Thanks again to all my friend who have posted 

you are all so amazing


on 1/11/16 10:49 am - Bradford, Canada
RNY on 02/12/16

Hope these 2 weeks go by quickly and painlessly lol. Your so close. Good luck.

  Referral 12/22/14 Orientation 2/27/15 Nutritionist & SW 9/25/15  Dr. Glazer 12/1/15 Nurse 12/14/1545  Opti 1/29/16  Surgery 2/12/16

HW:244.8 Ref:234.6

on 1/11/16 3:31 pm
RNY on 02/10/16

I just finished day 6 and I am pleasantly  surprised. Make sure you use a blender and ice cubes. I actually enjoy it. For me chocolate is the best.

I am allowed diet jello and bouillon . The jello really helps me between meals. You will actually start feeling better on this  and you will start

loosing weight . You can do this I promise. I also bought a mini blender at Walmart. It is the size of one portion. You can actually use it as a

container  and drink with a straw ( less dishes) Best of luck and keep us posted

on 1/11/16 5:05 pm - Canada

Thanks for your post 

and encouraging words 



Toronto Girl
on 1/11/16 7:15 pm

How did you do? 

on 1/17/16 8:26 pm
RNY on 02/10/16

how is the opti-fast diet going?

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