on 1/29/16 12:41 pm - Canada

Surgery done by by Julles foute Nelong 

what an amazing surgeon. I had a lap band removal to revision of RNY. 

Told by surgeon all went well and that he would never do it in one surgery again due to how complicated to doing both is. With that said all went well with my RNY 

had surgery Monday Jan 25 

and spent an extra day in Hosp due to some bleeding and that hemoglobin had dropped to 72 due to it was complicated 

I spent 4 days in hospital and January 28 was released. My hemoglobin is rising so that good news that a blood transfusion will not be needed. And he was ok with that level because others than my weight I was extremely healthy 

it's been 5 days and have dropped 4 lbs a real shock since I'm only on fluids. 

I hope to go to full fluids on Monday and then progress to soft foods. 

I am straight by the book and have followed all that I have been told  to do. 

Funny he uses no staples just glue to reduce scares and all look great at this point. 

Im happy to be home with a extremely supportive family and friends and my house has been full of all who love me since I got home. And for that I'm greatful. 

My plan is to continue to heal and increase my hemoglobin to normal levels and am following  up with my great surgeon in 2 weeks. 

Thanks for all the  support from my family and friend for I could not do it without you. 

Love you all. 




on 1/29/16 1:01 pm - Toronto, Canada

Congratulations on seeing this through. Get plenty of rest now - but just think by Canada Day you will feel so much better - lots of energy, lots to look forward to. So much more to learn about cooking and eating smart. If you aren't already using MY FITNESS PAL I encourage you to look at their calorie counter software -- it's a tool that keeps me on track!

on 1/29/16 7:22 pm - Canada

Thanks for your sweet words 



on 1/29/16 1:47 pm - cambridge , Canada
RNY on 07/09/12

Congratulations to you....Dr. Jules did an emergency hernia repair for me a couple years ago ...isn't he just beautiful?....I'm so glad to hear you're doing well and wishing you a speedy recovery and rapid weight loss....all the best to you

 REFFERAL.....APRIL 2010    ORIENTATION.....JULY 14, 2011       SURGERY.....JULY 9, 2012                            


on 1/29/16 7:23 pm - Canada

Thanks for your nice words 



on 1/29/16 6:41 pm - Canada

Congrats!! Dr Huynh removed my band and did RNY on January 15th. He also ran into some snags to added to the surgery time. I did spend an extra day in the hospital just to be safe I guess. All is good now, I have lost 13 pds since the surgery and am walking 2 miles a day on the treadmill. Still a bit of aching on the left side under my breast, but I hear thats normal. Moving on to pureed tomorrow and hubby is making a turkey chili. I can't wait to have something different!

on 1/29/16 7:03 pm - Canada


im so glad all went well for you. And wow !!!!

13 lbs is amazing , I lost 4.5 lbs and was on cloud 9 

lisa you have worked so hard at your journey and deserve all the results of your hard work. 

Thanks for your sweet words

you are always in my prayers



on 1/30/16 6:24 am - Ontario, Canada
RNY on 01/20/12

Glad all went well. Hope you heal fast. They usually pump you full of fluids in the hospital. I came out higher than I went in. Sounds like you are doing great. Follow plan and you will be healthier in no time





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