Thanks for caring

on 5/21/11 5:34 am
Hi all at OFF. I am not able to sit at computer alot cuz I discovered if aggravates my stomach which is still tender and sore. I was really having a bad day huh? I cried the whole time I was typing. That of course is a good release of tension. To answer some issues, I haven't found a WLS support group near my home. I think the nearest one is Tucson, 2 hours from me. I do attend the TOPS club every friday. They are my physical support. I do take anti-depressants, yet I see my psych next week and will ask if a change is needed. As I noted before I am not near any family members, friends are busy. I am not comfortable with talking about the negative at this time. Guess typing is easier. Most feel sorry for me when I talk about whats happening, and I don't want that. I just like to share the good news. I have been afraid to try new foods due to bad results. I did get a few other things that I am going to give a try. I am focusing on the news you all have for me, and am ready for it to get better, it can' get worse right? Well one good item is I weighed in at TOPS and hit the 200s well I weighed 299.8 so yea! Long way to go but happy to be this far so soon.
I was noticing that alot of you have had the RNY, I am not sure what that is. I had the Duodenal Switch (DS) and I have a incision from just under my breast down pass the belly button. Lots of people were amazed at the length of it, including me. I know that the DS is for the morbid obese which I am. My BMI was 56 at the start.
So thank you for your concern, it helps. Have a great weekend
Love and Prayers
Laureen S.
on 5/21/11 5:51 am, edited 5/21/11 5:51 am - Maple Shade, NJ

Wishing your healing process goes without any issues that are not of the norm and that once the initial stages are behind you, that you will be feeling differently about things. The early recovery of a surgery of the kind you had is tough, most of us, I believe, had our surgeries laproscopically, which makes recovery a bit easier. The getting used to eating post WLS is an adventure for sure, you can and will find your way. Be patient with yourself and you can bring your feelings here, we will do what we can to help you through encouragement.

Hugs, Laureen

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . .  It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . .  Laureen

"Success is a journey, not a destination."  Ben Sweetland

Eileen Briesch
on 5/21/11 8:37 am - Evansville, IN
Hey, I don't have a support group here in La. where I moved. In fact, I don't think I ever really had a support group other than what I found here on OFF, because the local support group in Mich. when I had surgery (where I lived at the time) was only at night, and I worked at night. And my family all lived away from me ... I communicate a lot by phone and computer with my friends and family.

We all go through a lot ... I have been very depressed the past couple of years, have gone through a hell of a lot. Weight-loss surgery is not the easy way out, so don't let anyone tell you that. You know it, I know it. It takes a lot of courage to do it ... you have the scar to prove it. So shed a few tears. That's OK. We're all here to listen.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




karen C.
on 5/21/11 9:24 am, edited 5/21/11 9:25 am - Kennewick, WA


I don't think the DS was around 6 years ago when I had my laparoscopic Roux-n-Y.  My BMI was 66 and the entry on my surgeon's post that I read was "super morbdly obese". I THOUGHT "OBESE" sounded bad til I heard that referred to ME!

You do have a lot more healing to do than I did. I had 6 little one in*****isions and really did feel better the day after surgery than I did the day before.

I belong to TOPS also or did. I haven't been in a year or so as it seemed to  no longer fulfill the need. Use this forum all you can both publicly and privately through PMs (personal messages.) 

You might also put a "free" ad out somewhere and think about starting your own small support group. Even if it's just meet once a week for coffee, a walk, or at someone's home. Even if it's just you and one or two others. . . It's still support. You might put a sign up or ask your surgeon's office to spread the word to others in your area. I know they can't give out other's names to you but they could give your name with your permission. An official group would be great but if that's just not possible this would still be helpful and you would be helping someone else.

I found that I got a lot of support from those who were ahead of me by a year or so. I also latched on to a couple of women who were at about the same stage I was. That helped a tremendous amount to just share with each other.

By the time the end of the summer comes along you will be amazed at how far you have come.  Start trying a few new things, just a bite or two at a time. Most things tasted so different to me. Things I used to love I no longer cared for. It took about 6 months to really get much of a taste back. Even sugarfree stuff tasty supersweet to me. I couldn't stand the smell of most meats cooking.  Going from the attitude of "living to eat" to "eating to live" is a huge mind game and no easy accomplishment. I am still working on it every day.

Hope each day gets better for you! Look for those little wows. I know getting in the "200s" is a big one. Each 10 lb mark was a big accomplishment and made me feel better and better. Hugs!

Karen C

Patricia R.
on 5/22/11 3:23 am - Perry, MI
Hi Sharon,
I had my RNY five years ago, open, with a huge incision from my breastbone to my naval as well.  I am not familiar with the DS, but would encourage you to walk as much as you can, even if it is several short strolls a day.  Walking helped me with my healing so much. 

During our early post-op, we are doing rapid weight loss, and there is a huge release of hormones, because of the hormones that were stored in fat being released into our systems.  That will contribute to your fluctuation of emotions.  I also found myself dealing with getting used to my clothes being loose, and adjusting to watching TV commercials for food I will never be able to eat. 

I hope you will post here often, and know that many of us depend on Obesity Help for support for a variety of reasons.

Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

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