i love cottage cheese

on 6/28/11 1:10 pm
Hello OFF friends. I pretty much only eat protein foods cuz I can't eat much more than a half cup of food. So I do an egg sometimes, shrimp, cottage cheese, lean turkey meat. I never get much of any thing else cuz the protein fills me. then I have protein shakes, whey protein shots, and Protinex which is predigested protein 18g. the doc said I had protein levels good for a normal person but not a DS-WLS patient. So I am trying to double up on the supplements. I told him the booklet his office gave me read 60-90g a day. He said I almost need double that.sigh! What is everyone elses suggested levels of protein?
I plan on signing on when I can but due to financial, I may have to cancel my internet. but maybe not?????? so have a good day ya'll
thanks for all your replies.
on 6/28/11 8:04 pm
My target is 65 gm.

I often see people on the RNY board who aim for 100 gm. But I also have read many posts cautioning that the protein shots are not a useful source of protein for us.apparently they include a collagen based form of protein that is not absorbable (oops, I am assuming you had rny!) Anyway, you might want to research that a bit before spending $ on those.
Connie D.
on 6/29/11 3:21 am
 Sharon.... my target is 80....usually don't have a problem getting this amount in with the  food I eat.

I just had all my levels checked and everything is perfect!

Hugs...connie d
on 6/29/11 4:51 am - Cibolo, TX

My doc recommends 60 to 80 grams of protein daily, but I had RNY, not DS.  I do a Pro Joe every day with 20 grams.  That helps with the daily requirement. 

I can usually manage 20 grams of protein at breakfast pretty easily.  I like those light whole wheat bagel thins by Thomas.  They have 6 g protein.  Add a slice of 2% American cheese for 4 g protein.  Then I add either an egg (13 g protein) or a veggie burger (15 g protein) and make a little breakfast sandwich.  Total protein: 20+ grams.  If I can't eat all the sandwich at one setting, I put the leftover half in a baggie and have it later in the day.

I am now able to eat about 1 cup of food at a sitting.  Sometimes a little less.  Depends on how rich or greasy the food is.  Here's my mantra: protein first, then something "of the earth".  In other words, raw (or close to raw) natural food like veggies and fruit.  So for dinner I might have a roasted chicken thigh and some steamed squash and sliced tomatoes.  I eat a lot of beans, too. 

About the only carb I eat all day is the bagel thin.  No rice, potatoes, pasta, bread, etc., anymore.

But, I couldn't eat this way at 2 months out.  So be patient.  It will come around.  I still can't eat pork.  I love ham, but it doesn't love me anymore!  Maybe later on I will be able to eat it. 

Oh, I hope you do not have to cancel your internet!  Good luck!


Laureen S.
on 6/29/11 4:55 am - Maple Shade, NJ
Just a suggestion here, but perhaps you might want to ask people on the DS board what they're told in relation to that particular matter, as I believe the majority of us on here are RNYr's.  Then come back here and let us know what you requirements are, as more and more folks are going either DS or VSG. . .

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . .  It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . .  Laureen

"Success is a journey, not a destination."  Ben Sweetland

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