It's 2 a.m. Wed. 8/3

Pat R.
on 8/2/11 4:07 pm - Sturgis, MI
Just had a fairly strong t-storm go thru and the lights must have blinked off and on, so all the clocks are blinking - woke me up.  

My dear cousin passed away yesterday afternoon after a long hard-fought battle with cancer.  She is with the angels now and finally painfree.  She was only 69 yrs. old.

Guess I better get back to bed and try to get some sleep.....still a bit of lightning and thunder in the distance.  Supposed to be a lot cooler and less humid today.

Good night/morning...
Pat R.


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Eileen Briesch
on 8/2/11 4:20 pm - Evansville, IN
Hi Pat and my OFF family to follow:

After 1 a.m. and it's still 85 degrees here. I had a relatively easy night at work ... I had my pages basically done by 8 p.m., just had to update a couple things. Now I have three days off. Cleaning fairy coming later today.

Sorry to hear about your cousin, Pat. She is at peace and free from pain.

We were supposed to get rain today, but of course we didn't. Just humidity and heat. I don't have to go out today and probably won't.

Well, time for bed. I'll check back later.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




Mag (Marguerite) P.
on 8/2/11 6:43 pm - Green Valley, AZ
Good Morning Pat and Eileen,   Hello to all who follow,

      Pat   I'm so sorry that you lost your cousin to cancer. We know what Eileen said is so very true.  She is at peace. That does make this lose any easier because we miss them so much. Take good care of yourself.

      Eileen,   I'm sorry your weather is so brutal. I know it most take a lot out of you when you already have lung problems. I'm glad you had a goodnight at work. Get a good nights sleep.    

      Well, my busy day is over. Left the house at 8:30AM and arrived home at about 4:00PM. I made the mistake of taking a nap. Now I don't want to go to bed.

     I'm finally getting my new machine. It's called an automatic bi level PAP. I guess it new technology. My setting will be 13/9 to 23/19. That way if I'm breathing to shallow it will do the higher settings. If I'm breathing alright it will go to the lower number. It bothers me that I have to see the doctor that is with the sleep center one a month. They always get money out of people one way or another. I'd rather see my PCP or my Pulmonary doctor. Oh well, it is what it is. My PCP has already signed the papers to have this sleep study specialist follow me.

      The weather people said no rain for at least 3 days. They were wrong. Thank God. We have a great light show coming from the south and crossing right over our house. Rain, beautiful rain. Temp dropped over 20 degrees. It is still raining.  Won't have to water the flowers for a few days. 

     Hope everyone has a good day.   Mag   

Patricia R.
on 8/2/11 7:56 pm - Perry, MI
Good Morning Pat and OFF Family,
Pat:  I am so sorry to hear about your cousin's passing and her battle with cancer.  The fact that she is at peace with the angels should be of comfort. 

I am up early due to a headache and backache.  I stayed up to watch the end of the Phillies game last night.  They are in Colorado, and it started after 8:30 last night, my time. 

Today, I am working till 12:30 this afternoon.  Then, I am taking a friend to her psychiatrist appointment.  I have a friend in AA, who cannot drive, and I help her out by driving her to appointments and such.  After we are done, I have to come home and walk Utley.  Then, the Phillies are on in the late afternoon, around 3:30. 

Tonight, I will head to an AA meeting.  I am overdue to get to one.  I did get to one on Saturday, and am trying to amp up my meeting attendance for a lot of reasons. 

Have a good day.

Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

on 8/2/11 8:18 pm - Bradenton, FL
 Hi pat,
Thans for starting us out this morning. 
I am getting the car packed up this morning to head out to Michigan todayl we are leaving after I go to see my doc. I am loosing more weight and I cant seem to stop. Not sure why. I am eating!!!!!
We are going to Michigan for a few days before we go to Chicago to marry of four daughter. I think we are going to be gone till the 23rd. 
My dog and cat are at my cousins house and are happy there I think.
pat I am so sorry for the loss of your cousin, but she is in a better place now. prayers are with you and your family. 
Oh by the way I talked to Brenda Russell yesterday. She is doing fine. She doesnt have internet service. She has been in a very depressed state but is doing better. Bill her husband got ss Disability and they are doing better financially. I am supposed to be meeting up with her when I go thru there on my way to Chicago. So I will post. when I am with her. 

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Connie D.
on 8/2/11 11:33 pm
Carla...thank you for letting us know you spoke with Brenda....she has been on my mind alot lately. I sure do miss her!!  Glad they are doing better financially too. Please give her my best and a huge hug too!!

Hugs...connie d

Monica B.
on 8/2/11 9:03 pm - Emery, SD
Morning all. Sober 275 days and so proud of me.
Pat, sorry about your cousin. How are the toes coming along? Carla hope your trip is wonderful. Please remember to be good to get togethers can be rough, even when they surround a joyous event like your daughters wedding.
Strange that we have to jump thru so many doctor hoops these days. Having to see specialists instead of PCP's gets confusing, I always wonder if the two doctors "speak" to each other about ones care.
Can't believe how cost effective Walmart pharmacy is, thanks Eileen for guiding me there. I got a 3 month supply of BP med for $9,  thyroid med for $5.
I was never one to clip coupons, but have begun doing this. Surprised at some of the savings I am finding. Did not realize that when newspaper offers coupons, stores co-ordinate with sale on many of the products featured.
Hubby has hearing test today at VA. We also will stop for a local babershop. Great cut, massage, and fast service all for $12. My new transition glasses should be in today...excited about getting new pair.
My daughter Jess has become a manager for Haman Nouveau products. She sent me a birthday box of items. Very pleased with the cream for after sun...PostHelios...very rich and moisture healing. She also sent US 2 wraps, pastamals. very nice large "towels/wraps" hand woven and colorful.
Been a little down and tired last 3 days, needing to jump on SS issue again and just not up to it.
Pregnant daughter, Sara, is tired of heat and feels *****y. Glad she realizes how hormones get in the way of life.
Hope you all are good and staying cool. Hugs, Monica

karen C.
on 8/3/11 1:28 am - Kennewick, WA
Monica, We use Costco for most prescriptons. My thyroids runs about 90 cents for 90 pills! Of course there is the yearly membership to contend with.

Karen C

on 8/3/11 2:07 am - Manteca, CA
I heard that anyone can use the Costco pharmacy- no membership required. Just tell them at the door you are going to the pharmacy. I'm not positive about this, but I think it is true.
karen C.
on 8/3/11 2:42 am - Kennewick, WA
Nice to see that beautiful smile this morning! I believe you are right about Costco. I've heard that too. We still make use of the membership but if you don't need it the pharmacy itself is worth the visit.

Karen C

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