Hello everyone. Been a long time since I was here

Sybul C.
on 2/11/12 11:57 pm - Alma, AR
Hi, my name is Sybul and it's been a long time since I've posted.  I am almost 4 years out from my RNY.  Started at 315 lbs and got down to 123.  I have been very happy and healthy there.  This past holiday season, I experienced a set-back.  I have gained 7 lbs.  I always stayed away from any sugars but for some reason started out by trying a "bite" of this and that and before I knew it here I am.  Unhappy as hell.  I have decided to take these extra lbs off before they just start creeping back up even further.  I admit I have gotten lazy and have not been posting my daily intake or exercising.  I have just started back trying to hget my water for the day in again also.  I know that this is the best place for support and helped me through all the major weight loss so here I am again.  Wish me luck!

karen C.
on 2/12/12 2:51 am - Kennewick, WA
Welcome "home" Sybul. Don't believe for one minute that you are the only one in the world to have a regain. You are not alone and you are so right that this is this place for us to come rain or shine.

Karen C

on 2/13/12 3:48 am - Brookfield, IL
VSG on 04/16/12
Hi Sybul,

Thanks for your post. It reminded me again of how important all the steps are in the on-going battle of the bulge.

You are a veteran and you know what to do. You have been so successful and you will be going forward as well.

I look to you veterans for the hope. I hope my post can help you as well.

The woman in this forum rock!






Connie D.
on 2/13/12 11:38 am
Hello Sybul and welcome back!!

There are several of us trying to lose the pounds we lost!!
I was 118 and am now about 20 pounds over that...UGH! Working hard to get myself back to 125...that was a good weight for me.

Glad you stopped back in...see you later.

HUGS....connie d
Sybul C.
on 2/14/12 1:16 am - Alma, AR
Glad to see a familiar face Connie.  I am scared to death that this could lead to my slowly gaining my weight back.  I swear I will never get back where I was come hell or high water.  I put my old picture up on the fridge to help remind me. 

Sybul C.
on 2/14/12 1:14 am - Alma, AR
Thanks everyone.    I appreciate your support.  I'm working on the snacking I'm doing. It adds up to more than I realized.  A little bite here, another there.  I'm back to charting all my intake and this morning I tried this new cd, Pilates weight loss for beginners.  It about killed me, lol.  I did make it through the whole thing though.  I just can hardly move around, lol.  All my muscles feel like rubber!  It will get better.  Hope everyone has a good day. 

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