Terrific Tuesday

Mag (Marguerite) P.
on 7/2/12 8:46 pm - Green Valley, AZ
Good Morning to You,
    Looking at a busy day today. Up to do laundry. Must work on never ending paperwork. Mostly filing. Two appointments. One in AM and one in the afternoon. Need to sort through clothes and take some to the resale shop. Probably leave that until tomorrow and Thursday.
     Take care of You and God Bless,   Mag
on 7/2/12 11:29 pm - Jacksonville, NC
Good mornin' ya'll.
It seems we had two 'starters' today.
This morning before the heat gets unbearable I plan on planting my rhubarb 'crowns'. In years to come I hope I won't have to search the city for rhubarb for pies, jams, sauces, etc. I'm hopeing they grow well here. I have a place picked out that seems to meet all the requirements.
Our daughter had gotten a letter from her DH's attorney with a list of 35 things they are asking for. In each of the 35 catagories were two or three sub catagories. Well, she finally replied. She had til July 6th. For all but 2 of the things she said that HE has all of those records at his house. The two filing cabinets are still there he can dig for them. She pointed out that she had supplied her 401K and other payroll info in MARCH when she filed. She has requested recent copies from her company. She also pointed out that she has been supporting both households and paying for all of the children's expenses since March. She pays the Visa in full every month and he is the only one who uses it. The bill is generally between $3000 and $6000 a month. She has no idea what he is charging. He used to get his beer at a little convenience store and she could tell from the amount that it was for beer. He is now spending most of the money at Fred Meyer so there is no way of telling how much is for beer and how much is for other stuff. She is also asking for full custody of their daughter, since she is with her most of the time anyway. When she is with her Dad, he is usually drunk so she spends her time in her bedroom. If this isn't over by the time their son turns 18, she wants full custody of him too, for the same reasons. She was sure this would be over by May, but nope!! She knew she could support both households out of her pay and savings for a few months. But it has now been four months and her resources are dwindling. She is now up to $50,000 in lawyer fees (hers AND his). I have a CD that matures in August and I think she may have to borrow some or all of it. She is welcome to it. I just think it is sad that in Oregon, the person who leaves the marriage is at fault. Even if she left because of 15 years of emotional and verbal abuse!! She has no problem paying him spousal support for a reasonable time. She knew he would get 50% of her business assets (about $700,000). She just thought all of that would be cut and dried and over with in a matter of weeks, not months!! He has been dragging his feet and there is nothing she or her lawyers can do to get him speeded up!! My heart breaks for her and the kids!
Everyone have a fantabulous day!

Grammylew in Jax


on 7/3/12 12:17 am - Cibolo, TX
Good morning Mag and Carolyn and all my OFF sistas!

Mag--saw your post on FB about your new PC website.  I'll take a look.  Wish I had the money to order some more stuff, but I'm stretched to the max right now.  I really love the PC products I got from you earlier this year.

Carolyn--oh, hon.  My heart just breaks for your daughter.  I never heard such unfair goings-on in my life!  Let this be a lesson for everyone about where to live and where to get a divorce!  I had no idea until you started posting that divorce laws weren't basically the same everywhere.  Such craziness doesn't seem like it should be legal.

Got a phone call from my sweet hubby this morning.  He's off the rig and sitting in theairport  lounge in Dubai.  Gonna be a long, long journey home for him, but hopefully he'll be here by 8 p.m. tomorrow night.  We still don't know why his overseas flight has been delayed by 8 hours.  Hopefully all his connections will go smoothly over the next 24 hours.

Okay, 'fession time!  I had my first true experience with dumping syndrome yesterday and it was NOT fun!  OMG.  I really had no idea what dumping syndrome was all about.  Now I do.  I don't think I'll push the edge of the envelope again anytime soon.  Day BEFORE yesterday, I baked some little cakes for Benny.  yeah, right.  For Benny.  Who am I fooling?  I baked those suckers for ME.  And I ate the batter from the bowl and then I sampled the little cakes, over and over again.  It's not like I haven't eaten a bite or two of sugar before, but I guess I never ate enough of it at one time to trigger the DUMP!  I tell you all, I am a sick, sick person.  WHY do I persist in doing the very thing that always gets me in trouble?  I don't know.  I could probably use some intense therapy about it.  Anyway, yesterday I didn't eat one bite of cake.  In fact, I gave them to the deer this morning.  They love cake!  LOL!

I've got to bake a birthday cake for Benny's birthday party on Friday/Saturday.  And we had planned to make homemade blueberry ice cream sandwiches, too.  I just have to get ahold of myself about this sugar thing.  Birthday parties are a fact of life, and so is birthday cake and ice cream.  I simply must find a way to deal with it.  I plan to be around for decades, you know?  I can't let the sugar demon rule the rest of my life.

So, I wish you all well today.  Hope everyone has some fun plans for the 4th.  Love you all!


Connie D.
on 7/3/12 2:18 am
Good morning Mag and everyone.....

Mag ....sounds like you have a hectic day. Take some time for you along the way!!

Carolyn.....my heart breaks for you, your daughter, and her children. That whole situation is such a nightmare for all of you. I am still sending prayers.

Vickie......dumping SUCKS......been there more then once. Not a good place to be. Sorry you are so sick.

I am laying low again today. The humidity is just too much for me to handle. It is cleaning day but I have a feeling it won't get done today. I am just too run down.

Not sure what I will be doing tomorrow. There are so many events in the area but most all are outside. May have to miss it this year.

I need to go fill my sisters meds and order some as well.

Wishing you all a really beautiful day!! Prayers for many in need.

Love and hugs to all....connie d
on 7/3/12 2:31 am - Cibolo, TX
Connie, did you get my email about the calcium chews?


Connie D.
on 7/3/12 3:35 pm
Vickie....not yet....I used to used to use Bariatric Advantage Chewy Bites.....loved them but can't aford them anymore.....wish I could!!! They were the best!! !

Love and hugs.....connie d
Patricia R.
on 7/3/12 5:39 am - Perry, MI
Greetings Mag and OFF,
I am finally home and checking in.  I had my surgery this morning and am home, resting.  I need to chug the fluids to get the anesthesia out of my system.  I am taking some pain killers for the incisions.  I have three bandages, because there were three sites that were operated on.  My upper left arm, my upper right arm both had tumors in them.  Then, at the top of my right arm, I had a suspicious mole removed.  

Tomorrow, my sister is bringing steaks and corn on the cob for us to cook here.  It'll be too hot to do an outdoor picnic, and I can't drive because of the anesthesia.  For the rest of today, I'm just hanging out, not really doing anything.


Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

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