Patricia R.
on 1/8/16 6:21 am - Perry, MI

Good Morning OFF,

Be right back.

Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

Patricia R.
on 1/8/16 6:47 am - Perry, MI

I'm back.

Sorry I've been AWOL a few days.  I've been trying to stay focused on the paperwork I'm taking care of.  Yesterday I had my appointment.  Wound looks good.  I go back next Thursday.  My friends were wonderful.  My friend, Karen, and her husband took me.  Karen had taken Benadryl the night before and didn't feel awake enough to drive.  Doc made me a cushion to protect the wound from rubbing.  It's a thick piece of felt that he cut a hole in to cushion the area around the wound, so the wound isn't being rubbed.  Genius.

I have to share a picture of my Munchkins with my niece's kids.  They met for the first time in Pennsylvania.  Kathy made them knit hats with little stuffed toys on top.  My niece forgot to bring Emma's.  

Jackson and Frankie have stuffed bear heads, Izzy a puppy head, and Lincoln a soccer ball.  Kathy was surprised at how well my Munchkins played with Jackson, and Colleen told her they have tons of younger cousins, so they have a lot of experience with little ones.

I need to catch up on what everyone's doing.  Then, finish the paperwork I'm taking care of.

Plus, I need to post my New Year's goals.  




Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

on 1/8/16 9:14 am, edited 1/8/16 1:29 am - Cibolo, TX

Good morning Trish and my sistas!

Trish, love the picture!  And I'm glad to hear the wound is healing.  You are such a trooper always!

I am still ticking things off my list.  Yesterday was sewing day and I loved it!  I didn't worry about my To-Do list at all!  I made 2 new crib sheets (for Caralee's nursery at Carrie's house) and a new pack n play sheet for my house.  Now we each have two sheets for our two different baby beds, but we really need three.  I don't mind washing everyday, but sometimes babies go through a LOT of laundry in a hurry!  But we may just have to buy another crib sheet for Carrie's house.  I'm running out of time.  However, my pack n play is older now and I can't find the right sheets for it anymore.  But I can make another one if needed here.

I have to give a big shout of PRAISE to the good Lord for my next bit of news.  The forester called me this morning and wanted to know if it's all right if he gets started cutting my lumber now.  IS IT ALL RIGHT???  YES!!!  I thought I would have to wait and try and make my money stretch another couple of months or so.  It will take several weeks, of course, but that's better than several months!

I'm getting ready to take my car to be washed and detailed.  Then this afternoon I have to wrap presents for the baby shower tomorrow.  I finished the sweetest little saque and bonnet and bootie set last night.  It's white with little pink rosebuds.  I like old fashioned baby things!  I think they are so sweet.  I also have several pairs of baby booties in all colors finished.  And of course the big new pack n play for Carrie's house.


We also have to wrap Mom's gifts: the travel system and some little things she's made for the baby.  My car is going to be full!

Well, I need to get going.  I did okay on my veggie diet yesterday until last night.  The urge for something sweet was so overpowering!  I ended up eating peanut butter and crackers.  Which only made it worse, and I finally had two with jelly on them.  I wish there was a shot or something to make this insane craving for sweets/sugar GO AWAY.  But today is a new day.  Try, try again.

Love you all!


on 1/8/16 2:21 pm - Cibolo, TX

Gee, where is everyone today?  Is it a holiday I don't know about?  LOL!

Just wanted to report that I am being proactive today about my trip to Houston and the baby shower tomorrow.  I've already got my veggie snacks planned out for the car trip (4 hours) so I don't succumb to junk food.  Don't know what the hostesses are planning to serve at the shower, but one of them has had WLS and the other is a fitness enthusiast, so I'm hoping for some healthy choices!  

I got a lot of things done today.  My list is getting smaller!  

Hope everyone is doing well today.  Missing y'all!  Sitting down to check in at OFF is one of the highlights of my day.


Connie D.
on 1/8/16 3:45 pm

Hello Trish and Vickie....

Trish the children are all so adorable. I hope they can get together more often. The hats are so cute!! I am glad your foot is healing so well!!!

Vickie...I adore the sweater set you made. You did a wonderful job on it! It is nice that you are able to make clothes and sheets and booties and such. They are made with love!!

I have been resting most all the day. Day 10 of this flare up. The weather really took a huge dip about an hour ago. Tomorrows temp is 3 degrees with a low of 1. With windchill it will be -13. I won't be leaving the building!! Sunday it will be 7 degrees with a windchill -12. Not sure what the night will be until tomorrow.

I know you will be comfy there. Have a great time at the shower!! I would love a pic of Carrie at this far along. She looks so cute pregnant! I keep praying that nausea will be over soon. They say that when mommy has a lot of nausea that the baby will have a lot of hair. Guess we will have to see how that turns know old wives tales!

Well time for me to rest some more.....I pray your trip goes well.

Prayers for our beautiful OFF Family and their families.

Lots of love and many hugs.....connie d





on 1/8/16 4:52 pm

Hello Ladies,

I am running late today.  Vic, I love the sweater and booties you made. I love crocheting baby sweaters. When my granddaughter was a baby, I bought some really soft chenille and made sheets for her little play yard thing and for her car seat as a cover.  Of course, I made matching covers for the car seat...I spent so much sewing for that baby...well, it was worth it.  

Connie, I hope your flare-up ends soon.  Trish the babies are so cute and I love their little hats.   I am so happy your wound is healing too.

Okay, let me tell you the crazy thing I did today.  I left my phone in my office, so after I had my pjs and house slippers on, I realized the phone was not in my bag, so I told DH that I was going to slip on sweats and my coat and run up and get my phone. Well, my house slippers are these two huge turkey bodies and I put a pair of bright green sweats on because who the hell could have possibly been in my center this late in the evening,, I run up there, run in, and I get to the door of the center and I hear voices...our main dean and provost were in the center trying to decide our best route of with huge turkey horseshoes on, awful sweats, and my PJ top under my jacket...The dean said, nice shoes and I said, now here's the deal...I really didn't come to work like this and he laughed...then explained what they were doing and he asked me if I wanted to join them for a cup of coffee to discuss expansion and I said, no...I'm dressed for bed, just coming to get my phone. LOL  Well, when I was leaving, I was trying to scoot back in my seat in the car and my house slipper on the left foot slipped and my big toe and the one next to it bent all the way back...I think I broke the damn toe and know if I go to the doctor they will just tape it...DH ran to the store and picked me up one of those toe shields and I have my two toes all taped up...if it ain't one thing....

Mary Gee
on 1/8/16 7:02 pm - AZ
VSG on 05/14/14

Good evening Ladies........

Went to the hospital's support group meeting last night.  I used to go, and sometimes I would be the only one to show up.  This group is for post-ops only and starts at 4:00.  Well, they finally changed the format. When I arrived, there was soft music playing in the background - the type for meditating with nature sounds.  The woman heading the group is Indian, and her culture was reflected throughout the meeting.  We started with some movement - basically 2-4 step routines done to Billy Joel's Uptown Girl - lots of fun, but tricky for me.  Then she distributed some samples of four different recipes.  Then we had about five minutes of "quiet time".  She talked throughout the meeting about controlling our thoughts and relieving stress and hoto w important that is.  She gave some examples of things she does.....she and her husband at least one "silent meal" which is self-explanatory...she takes time to "experience" the meal - the appearance, the tastes, the textures, etc.  When she showers she tries focus strictly on the shower - the feel of the water, the warmth of it, the softness of the shampoo, etc.  She colors too.  I'm looking forward to the next meeting.

Today I went to the computer store, where I had brought my old, old computer....they downloaded the pictures onto one of those "sticks" and when I got home, I put the stick into the slot, saw the pictures I had hoped to find .... but I can't figure out how to download them, because I want to post pictures.  I'll go back tomorrow or Monday with my notebook and ask them to show me.  

I also went to the housing authority in town and picked up an application for elderly housing... it's a beautiful complex, but like most of these places, the waiting list is about two years long. Also called about eight other towns and requested applications from them.  

Gotta keep moving forward.  I ended up sleeping on the couch last night.  I had gone into the bedroom early to get comfortable and watch tv.  I had a cup of tea...which was in my hand when I dozed off.  So I woke up and the blanket and sheets were soaked - so I stripped the bed and ended up on the living room couch.  I took some extra meds...and slept like a baby.  I haven't made the bed yet, so I plan on sleeping on the couch again.  Tomorrow is a day I can 'sleep in' and I hope to do it.  Will take Pookie out just before bed so he won't bother me too early in the morning.


Connie -- This cold weather does not me happy either.  I did go out for a few errands, but not as many as planned.

Jeannie -- Gobble, gobble, gobble - that is SO funny!!  Sorry about the toe.  Talk about insult to injury!

Judy --   You are under such stress!! Your job is v.e.r.y challenging for sure - dealing with so many people who act as if you owe them.... don't let them get you down.  Just follow the rules for your job and if they don't like it, they can lump it.

Take care of yourselves my dear friends.



 HW: 380 SW: 324 GW: 175  








on 1/9/16 8:28 am


my toe is actually pretty darn good today considering what it went through. It is black and blue but I can move it and there doesn't seem to be much acute's sore. 

With my memory thing, I can just drag the picture to wherever I want it to go. But I'm not sure how your computer works. You would think I would be an expert considering a huge part of my teaching technical writing is about web design and document design...I can teach it and I can demonstrate it and do it but if it is anything out of the routine, I'm screwed.  I am fortunate to have really good technical folks at my fingertips. 


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