5 Days post op

on 10/25/11 12:44 am - New Port Richey, FL
I'm posting an update for my extended TT with lipo.  I know I lived for these updates while I was obsessively reading the boards and deciding about my surgery.

I had my surgery last Thursday.  Came home the same day with only a moderate amount of pain.  After a bad experience with a kidney stone operation several years ago, I have a truly healthy respect for pain medication and have taken my meds faithfully this time.

The only time I have any pain at all is when I am getting up or when when I overdo moving around.  My Dr was quite upset that I was standing upright the day after surgery and made sure to emphasize that if my back was not hurting, I was not bending over far enough.  So that is what I do. 

My incisions have no drains.  They have not leaked at all since Saturday.  They appear to be healing great and I do have moderate itching.  I started taking benedril yesterday to offset that.  I purchased a hospital bed off craigs list for $75 and have that set up right in the living room.  It's been great to still be a part of things yet comfortable at the same time.

I start a new desk job on 11-14-11 and i think I will be ready for it with no problem.  I've been showering every day.  I go for another followup at the Dr this afternoon but overall I was waaayyyy more worried than I needed to be about this surgery.  My belly is flat and I can't see much that is swollen at all.  My hips have a bit of swelling and bruising due to the lipo.  I realize I am very lucky as not everyone has this easy of an experience but if you are contemplating the surgery, you want to hear the good the bad and the awful.

Hope this helps any of you that take the time to read it.  I'll keep posting as I recover.  Good luck in your journey :)


Before/Current/DrGoal/MyGoal      279/183/175/155
(deactivated member)
on 10/25/11 12:57 am - TX
Good to know. I am SO on the fence about it - I change my mind every single day. I think that when spring rolls around again and I'm at the pool with the kids every weekend, I'm going to wish I'd already done it.
on 10/25/11 5:07 am - New Port Richey, FL
Hi Scarlett

When I started the journey to get my lap band I was sure that I only wanted to get to a size 12 and be healthy; that I didn't care at all what I looked like :)

Here I am over 4 years later and I care what I look like!  lol

It's definitely a personal decision and I am positive you will make the right decision for you.  And it doesn't matter if you have it done this year next year or in 5 years!  Best wishes


Before/Current/DrGoal/MyGoal      279/183/175/155
on 10/25/11 1:02 am
thanks so much for the update..that is exactly the surg that I am having Jan 11th.  I am also having full lipo of back..did you haVe that?

Sounds like you are doing great.I am taking 3 weeks off work..do you think that is reasonable?

Keep healing well.

My weight loss journey                                                    
on 10/25/11 5:10 am - New Port Richey, FL
Hi Patty

They wrote it up as lipo of flanks, upper abdomen and lower abdomen so I don't think I had the back done as well.

I feel no pain at all at this point, it just feels very tight.  which is exactly what I wanted lol I'm on my way out the door now to see the Dr.  I am also off for just over 3 weeks and that seems perfect to me so far.  I've heard of people who are out of commission for 6 weeks and that scared me but has not been my experience at all :)

Take care and stay in touch I'd be glad to answer whatever questions you may have if I am able.


Before/Current/DrGoal/MyGoal      279/183/175/155
on 10/25/11 10:52 am
Thanks Linda for the response.  I too won't have any drains...my doc doesn't usually use them for a TT so I am thrilled about that .  I too am having the lipo around the tummy area..what I liked best about my surgeon was the contouring that he does.  I saw his work on one of our OH friends and I was amazed.  I will be thrilled if mine turns out like that.
Do you mind if I ask how much you paid? were you self pay?
I am glad that you said 3 weeks sounded right to be off of work..I wanted 2 weeks but he said no..atleast 3 and we will see then.  Part of my job is lifting so I can't do that for another 3 weeks once I go back.  I just can't wait for Jan 11th to get here!

are you still taking the pain meds?

You sound like you are doing so well.

My weight loss journey                                                    
on 10/25/11 10:36 pm - New Port Richey, FL
I was worried about drains for some reason Patty.  I asked my surgeon (Mark Eberbach) how many I would have.  He said he stopped using them over a year ago.  He said he constantly tries to stay on top of techniques and his research indicated that they cause more complications instead of stopping them as intended.  After he finally made the change, he's had less infections, less seromas (hope I spelled that right) and less complications overall.  I must say that I think his work is like an artist as well, with the contouring.  Yesterday he told me I am doing far better than I have any right to be doing at this point.  (I beamed like a 5 year old showing a fingerpaint project off lol!)

I paid $9400 for everything (that includes all hospital fees) and yes I was self pay.  If I had used any of the credit or loan options thru the surgery center, it would have been more.  Did you know the actual surgeon gets less if the surgery is financed through those cards?   This has been such a learning experience.

Yes I am still taking the pain meds but Ive cut them in half.  I am not superwoman haha


Before/Current/DrGoal/MyGoal      279/183/175/155
on 10/26/11 12:11 am
Thanks Linda for the info...you really do sound like you are doing far better than most at this stage of the game.  It is very encouraging!!  I am thrilled my doc doesn't use drains either and thanks for your docs explaination of why.
I think you got a great price on your surgery.  Mine will be 13,100.  (but you know everything cost more in California!) but that includes 2500 for the full back lipo...I really want that back fat gone!  This price includes all the hosp fees too.  I will have to stay 1 night in the hospital...did you have to do that? I did not know that it costs more if you use the finance cards..interesting.  I got laid off my job after 19 years this summer.  our unit got bought out by a company and we all had jobs but we got a nice severance package for losing our jobs...so they are paying for my TT!  I feel like I deserve it after all of this hard work!!  but I atleast want to get my credit card points! 
how long do you have to wear the binder for?
another question  (thanks for letting me ask so many) have you lost or gained weight since surgery?

Keep resting....know matter how good your feel you just had major surgery and your body needs to rest  (sorry that is the nurse in me...just had to tell you to rest!!)

My weight loss journey                                                    
on 10/26/11 1:02 am - New Port Richey, FL
Hello again Patty.

I was given the option of staying a night in the hospital.  It would have cost me $500 if I decided to stay.  My surgery was at 8:30 am.  He told me it would be 4-6 hours but was done in 3.5 hours.  Even knocked completely out I am apparently cooperative lol.  I left before dinnertime and I really could have left earlier but I had to pee before they would let me leave and my bladder was not obeying me very well.

I was laid off in August.  At that time we were in the process of purchasing a new home which of course subsequently fell through.  After getting past the disappointment, I decided to find a job I would enjoy instead of trying to match what I was making before and perhaps not like at all.  I decided to have the surgery because when will I have the option to take this kind of time off again?  Right as I scheduled the surgery, I accepted a job that starts right in the perfect time frame.  So things really kind of fell into place :)  I have a definite love/hate relationship with the binder.  I wear it for hours, decide I hate it and it is why I am feeling tight and uncomfortable.  I take it off....ahhhhhh.....and after an hour I know I need it back on lol.  The Dr says I can move to a spanx type garment whenever and I have a few put aside for when I feel ready.  The nurse at the office yesterday told me when she had her TT she cut the crotch right out of the spanx and then it stayed on all day and she could do her business when she needed to.  I love those girls they are the best!

I have not gotten on a scale yet at the Dr recommendation.  He says most people gain water weight anyway until about 2 weeks out.  He has not gotten the report from hospital yet but he "thinks" the flap was about 4-5 lbs and the lipo was more than that.  I'll report next week after I see him what the actual numbers are.

Talk to you soon

Before/Current/DrGoal/MyGoal      279/183/175/155
on 10/26/11 2:01 pm
I love your doc's recommendation about not steppig on the scale for 2 weeks..I am going to follow that too!  Even though it makes sense to gain weight I think it would really bum me out to see it go up..so I think I will do the 2 week too.
   I do not have the option of not staying overnight..He makes us stay 1 night and that night is costing $1000......I would rather not spend it and go home but that is ok.  He said my surgery would be 4.5 hours and the nurse in me knows it makes sense to be monitored overnight but the cheap skate (am I spelling that right??), wants to go home!  I can think of alot of better things to do with that money.  But Oh well..>I really like how you said you did this for you...that is exactly how I feel.  This is my gift to me!!

Hope you are resting!!

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