usual "what do I need" type post

on 5/3/12 1:27 pm
TT (fleur di lis) and arms set for the 18th.

Suggestions for what to have? Haven't gotten list yet from doc (he's on vaca this week...TOTALLY okay with that...if someone is going to hack into me, I want them to be relaxed and well rested) so trying to get a head start on necessities.

 I'm 6' tall and 41 years old
on 5/3/12 4:08 pm
The best purchase ever was my medical lift recliner rental. $96 for a month. I also was  very happy to have my shower chair and high rise toilet seat. other than that just set yourself up in an area and keep all your goodies close by.

Cough drops were great because I was afraid that coughing would hurt.
Stool softeners, thermometer to check your temperature, baby wipes. I used maxi pads around the inside of my binder instead of gauze.

HW 405- Pre op weight 374- Plastics weight 203 Current weight 194

Circumferential lift/Brachioplasty November 8, 2011

16.3 pounds removed.

Revisions + Thighplasty  October 23, 2012

Breast lift- Spring 2013

on 5/3/12 8:08 pm - Utica, MI
Maxi pads? Great Idea! Thanks for that one.

on 5/3/12 10:43 pm - Cape May, NJ
I'm having my fleur de lis on Tues. I was going to post this same thing!

I've purchased-

Ice pack 'bag'. I heard icing it will help with swelling

I'll be following this closley!

from 308 to 165 `~ 5 years post op and still keeping it off!!
Proud military spouse and Mom to 4 amazing kids!!

Cherish F.
on 5/4/12 12:58 am - Philadelphia, PA
I'm 3 weeks out from TT and breast reduction.

*If you can stomach them, pre made protein shakes. I couldn't eat enough (still having a hard time) and having cold shakes ready to go helped a lot.
*The high rise toilet seat is simply awesome. They go for like $40 at Walmart and so worth the investment.
*Stool softeners - I started taking them a week before and am still taking 2 a night.
*Extra pillows.
*And my new favorite thing is cotton tank tops. Now that my incisions are mostly healed I put on a sports bra, a tank top, then my undies, then my binder. The tank has helped so much with both the itchy binder feeling and from "creeping up" on me.
Consult Weight/ Surgery Weight/Current Weight/  Goal Weight, Reached 4/7/11!!
     294                     286.5                     165.5                     164

Full abdominoplasty & Breast Reduction/Lift - 4/9/12!

Even miracles take a little time. ~ Cinderella

NoMore B.
on 5/4/12 7:38 am
 I agree with everyone else.  I would also add that with your arms done, it will be helpful to prep your house for your return.  Put your frequently used items at counter top level - like coffee cups, toothbrush, etc.  You dont want to have to reach up for anything, especially things you will use every day.  
on 5/4/12 9:32 am
 All good advice. I started on my vitamins about two weeks prior. No vitamin E. I used makemeheal ones from amazon. But I am sure there are other varieties. I also agree with having your house in order. I had it all cleaned. Lots of food available. Cups, plates, glasses on the counter where I could reach easily. I also used a couple extension cords to keep my iPad and phone all charged an next to my recliner. Not necessary, but that's what I did. 


on 5/4/12 12:10 pm
Binder?? Is that something I will get from the doc? Buy on my own?  We already have "tall" toilets  (tall people), so not worried about that so much, but will definitely check on the lift recliner rental.

I was told if I survived my c-sections that this would be , not easy, but livable.
 I'm 6' tall and 41 years old
NoMore B.
on 5/6/12 4:10 am
 You should be sent home wearing a binder they give you.  I didn't have a C-section, but had an open hysterectomy, which I assume is similar incision.  

I would say the tummy part is about the same, with the exception being the muscle tightening on the TT will make for more sore abdominal muscles.  As long as you make slow and deliberate movements you should be fine.

It wont be easy getting your arms done at the same time, because when you have to get up you wont have an easy way to pull yourself up from a reclined position.  But with help you can manage, and the worst part of it only lasts the first few days or so.

Best of luck!  You will love your results.
on 5/6/12 3:54 am - Towanda, PA
My corset-trunkplasty is scheduled for the 16th and I was going to ask the same.  I have a regular recliner, and high rise toilets already, due to bad knees.  I am nervous but anxious to get it over with. 

I have easy proteins on hand and bought in advance (FF yogurt, LF cheese sticks, protein bars, and protein powder (I am on them twice daily anyway).  My fiance is  going to be my caretaker after surgery, which he is excellent at.

They are providing binder and surgical bra after and have tanktops and sports bra ready.

Yvonne.    To thine own self be true.     hw 432/ sw 352/ cw196.8/gw 200  RNY 8/11/10 Corsettrunkplasty & thigh lipo 5/16/2012.


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