brow lift/neck lift/lower face lift - Day 5

on 6/18/12 11:11 pm
Wow, huge huge improvement this morning over yesterday.  Black eyes are just about gone.  There is still a general overall kind of puffiness, but not grossly distorting like it was before.  If I can get my hair in some semblence of order, I might even go with a friend down to the grocery to pick up a couple of items.  It seems like the swelling is moving down my face with gravity - I see more of it today in my jaw and much less in my forehead.  Ears are less sensitive today.  On the other hand, I itch like the devil!

Yesterday I saw Dr. Leedy.  He said all the incisions look good.  He said that he took about an inch of skin from each side and another small amount from the incision under my *****I can totally see that he needed to do that, as I had a pouchy bag concentrated right under my *****  My dad was there with me, so the two of them launched into a technical talk about neck lift technique, which not being a doctor I didn't follow completely, but my dad came away impressed with the job that was done and how I look, so that's good.  No stitches removed yet - I go back Thursday for that.

on 6/18/12 11:31 pm
Congratulations on your PS! I'm glad to hear you are healing! I am also interested in a neck lift / lower face lift. Keep us posted on your recovery!
on 6/19/12 8:12 pm
Will you post photos?  Congratulations on this step in your journey.

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