What to expect??Compared to WLS

on 7/10/12 10:23 pm
I had the BPD/Duodenal Switch (Lap) and I couldn't imagine an easier time with surgery.  My recovery went so well that I painted our living room with my time off about 1 week after surgery.  My only problem was the day after surgery I had a lot of gas buildup.  I know even that it is soft tissue that will be removed it will be a greater ordeal with swelling and the inscisions.  I guess what I am asking is should I expect a few days of minimal mobility and pain, maybe in 5 days to a week be able to get out in the public.  Does that maybe match the time when the drains are removed.  I am not one for sitting still anymore, I plan on taking 2 weeks off of work (desk job-engineer) but don't want to be planted in front of the TV the whole time.  Also, what type of pain should you expect.  Thanks for any comments.

   >>>Approved!!! Surgery 10-19-09<<<
              Starting an improved new me

on 7/11/12 1:13 am
(deactivated member)
on 7/11/12 2:08 am, edited 7/11/12 2:12 am
I saw you lost alot of weight congrats on that first off. You may have to give us an idea of what procedures you are doing. If it's a TT and given the amount of weight you lost they could get 10 pounds or more with that procedure I'm guessing. I had an extended TT and gynecomastia I had 15 pounds removed total and had lost about 265 pounds at the time. I was down hard for 4 days, at 2 weeks I was getting out and about ok taking short walks in the nieghborhood, driving myself around. I did not go back till 6 weeks but I'm on my feet 5-6 hours of the day and didn't have alot of stamina then. I had my drains in for 41 days and could not shower till they were out, didn't want to go work like that.

I would plan for the worst & hope for the best, if can get more time off work I would take it. Then if you feel good after couple weeks go back early. Pain wise It depends what works for you as far as meds and how much you take, it was controlled but hurt like a mother at times. I also ended up with blood clots 15 days out from my surgery and was hospitalized for 8 days with Pulmoary Embolisms. I was on blood thinners 6 months afterwards. Pulmonologist told me family history, how much weight I lost, and how much skin I had removed and was under anesthesia were all factors, so be proactive when it comes to prevention IMO.

On a side note I'm a sleever, but my mom just had had the DS can't wait to see what it does for her. How did you think yours worked for you.

Just saw your other post sorry, my surgery with 2 surgeons was 3 1/2 hours. Good job on getting approved I got denied 3 times been self pay the whole way including WLS. I will be interested to see how things go for you.

Good luck,

on 7/11/12 2:45 am - amherst, NY
Adjustable Gastric Band on 03/03/08
i had a TT and they removed 6 lbs of skin. i was walking the next day. i dont think the pain was awful. i took pain pills for about 4 days then just used tylenol. honestly the drains caused more discomfort then anything. i never had drains for my sleeve
Britt U.
on 7/13/12 2:12 pm - Mill Creek, WA
I had a lap band in, a lap band out, the sleeve. Last November I had an LBL and a BL/BA and then this Wednesday I had full thigh lipo in advance of my thigh lift later this year. All in all the sleeve was the easiest by far. the LBL & BL/BA the hardest. I suspect the main reason the sleeve was easy is because I had an epidural and was in the hospital for three days.

I have to say that I find the recovery room part of outpatient surgeries awful.In fact, I'm going to work hard to figure out how to chage my recovery room situation before I have my thigh lift. I've had a lot of surgeries and I'm just not sure I can do the 4 hours of misery again. Frankly, the recovery part at home - even with the 5 very difficult days after the LBL+ was easier than in the clinic. What happens is that I get really cold and have the shakes. The only way they can address the shakes is with Demerol that makes me sick and then I get so sleepy I don't want to wake. Between the waking up and the drive home I just wish I had a time machine. So on the next surgery something has to change, I'm either going to arrange to go in really early so I get 5-6 hours to recover instead of 2-3 or I'm going to stay overnight in a nursing facility right by the clinic.

For me there were a few things that made LBL recovery pretty smooth. First I had the pain pump and they doused my incisions with lidocaine. I had some pain while trying to lay flat on the first night but other than that it was all manageable. The biggest part of my recovery is that my mom took care of me for 5 days. Being in a single story home with someone totally dedicated to taking care of me made all the difference. My mom was a nurse so that helps. I actually enjoyed my time with her. We talked, watched movies, read a lot and she fed and medicated me regularly. It was almost spa-like. I also kept the pain meds going round the clock. I see no reason to be in pain during the first week. I bought a p-style and had a walker which made bathroom trips much easier.

At any rate, make sure you get the right kind of meds for your surgery and recovery. Plan to have adquate time before you go home, stay over if you can - I'll pay extra for it next time with no issues. And make sure you have supplies and rest and help if you can get it during the first 5 days or so.
on 7/14/12 4:26 am

I am having my sugery at Mayo clinic, same place I had WLS.  I have to confirm but I was told that the hospital stay was going to be similar to my 1st surgery which was 3 days.  I have confidence that they won't send my home until no sign of infection and my pain level is fine.  My insurance is covering the whole thing so they won't be in a rush to get me out.  Also it is a hospital, so they are not working in volume like a regular plastic surgery clinic.  I hope all your recoverys go well, thank for the input.

   >>>Approved!!! Surgery 10-19-09<<<
              Starting an improved new me

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