on 8/21/12 1:19 pm
Ok group, here I go again. Last Novenber I had a circumferential and a brachioplasty. it was a 5 hour surgery plus one nights stay. Except for a hole in my back  about the size of a quarter, I had a fantastic recovery. Now this may be due to the fact that my stomach is not pulled as tight as it could be because I have the old school gallbladder scar.

This round is scheduled for October 23rd and I will be getting
Bilateral Mastopexy
Bilateral Thighplasty
And at no charge revisions to circumferential and arms to remove more skin and contour better. ALSO I am getting Liposuction to my upper arms, upper abdomen and bilateral flanks. This will be an 8 hour surgery with one nights stay.

Not sure why but I'm a bit freaked out on this round.

HW 405- Pre op weight 374- Plastics weight 203 Current weight 194

Circumferential lift/Brachioplasty November 8, 2011

16.3 pounds removed.

Revisions + Thighplasty  October 23, 2012

Breast lift- Spring 2013

on 8/21/12 2:03 pm - Westchester, NY
 Surgery IS something that is normal to get freaked out about. I get that way before every surgery. I think that before EVERY surgery I had, including the RNY. Up until the day of surgery I thought about canceling, telling myself everything that would deter me from getting on the table, including that I had no need for it (the before pictures at 329# tell a very different story!). And some of the recoveries were pretty darn rough. But I'm thankful I did each and every one. But it doesn't change the fears I have beforehand. Two weeks ago -- the same thing. My husband took before pics before we left for the hospital and until that moment I really doubted that i really needed to go through my upper back lift (I will soon post those pics - OMG!).

Do you have any issues with having so many things done at the same time? 8 hours is a long surgery. Your doctor must feel you are in good shape for it. 

You sound normal to me. Then again, I'm comparing you to me -- not sure I'm normal... 

Best of luck with your surgeries!


Marla a/k/a Feistyemm
Surgery Date: 4/21/2005; HW: 333/ SW: 271/ CW:133/ GOAL: 150 or UNDER

Highest BMI: 54.7; BMI Now: 22.6 -- Jeans before surgery: 32. Now: 6
PS: 2006/7 LBL, Bracheoplasty & Upper Thigh Lift. 8/2012: UBackLift & Breast Implants
(redone 3 times). 7/17/18: vertical thigh lift (needs to be redone - left too much skin) &
replacement of 1 breast implant due to rupture (still needs to be fixed due to placement).

on 8/21/12 2:56 pm
 Hi. ha ha, I think I'm pretty normal. Just a gal trying to fix herself after years of letting herself go. Last round I was pretty pumped, this one I am a bit on edge. maybe it's the aneasesia time or maybe it's that with the last one I felt like it was something I had to do to get rid of the giant apron. This one is just so coametic that I can't help but see the dollar signs. After all is said and done I will have spent right at 20 Thousand to repair myself and that does not include the out of pocket I had to pay with my lapband 3 years ago. This is frustrating. I sure could have found something better to do with all this money. But we don't have kids so it's not like I'm taking from someone's college fund.

It does seen like a lot to have done at once and as far as the time under, my surgeon says I was fine being under for 5....  So We'll see. In the meantime I am just staying on my healthy plan and working towards getting to 185, no craxy crash diets or anything.

HW 405- Pre op weight 374- Plastics weight 203 Current weight 194

Circumferential lift/Brachioplasty November 8, 2011

16.3 pounds removed.

Revisions + Thighplasty  October 23, 2012

Breast lift- Spring 2013

on 8/21/12 5:59 pm
I know you posted for someone else, but thanks Maria, I have been getting the jitters lately. (10 days to go).
I also, would like to add, once we've been though it once, it makes it a little more scary. Sort of like having a baby. You know it will be rough after. The first baby it's all new. (or at least that's how I feel). LOL I had 6 kids, and I still got nervous, knowing what it was like to go into labor.
It's a good post, knowing that others feel/felt the same way as me. My surgery will be 5 hours. YIKES!!
Good luck in Oct. Let us know how it all went!!
 Mari  Nothing tastes as good as being thin feels!
on 8/22/12 6:01 am - Westchester, NY
 We all post for everyone, Mari! I'm glad if anything I wrote made you feel like you're not alone. Six Kids?? OMG -- you are certainly used to challenges!!! lol  I thought ONE was a lot! I wish you the best and calmness in your upcoming surgery.

(My name is MARLA, by the way -- not MARIA. (College diploma came out wrong, so I'm sensitive.  )

Marla a/k/a Feistyemm
Surgery Date: 4/21/2005; HW: 333/ SW: 271/ CW:133/ GOAL: 150 or UNDER

Highest BMI: 54.7; BMI Now: 22.6 -- Jeans before surgery: 32. Now: 6
PS: 2006/7 LBL, Bracheoplasty & Upper Thigh Lift. 8/2012: UBackLift & Breast Implants
(redone 3 times). 7/17/18: vertical thigh lift (needs to be redone - left too much skin) &
replacement of 1 breast implant due to rupture (still needs to be fixed due to placement).

on 8/22/12 6:48 am - grand rapids, MI
I had basically the same things done in the same combination as you but only spaced them out 3 months. In July I had a full LBL & brachio and then in Oct had the thighplasty & mastopexy w/ implants. Both of my surgeries lasted 7+ hours. I was fine w/ the anesthesia other than the problem I have w/ nausea when I come out of it but that happens if it's an hour or 7. I was actually back to work after the 2nd round in 10 days and back to normal activities & going out w/ friends at 3 weeks (from the 2nd round). You are having a bit more done w/ the revisions and lipo but I'll bet you'll be fine being under longer.
on 8/22/12 9:48 am - Israel
Fear is normal and you are having a lot done but when you get in there along with your fear will be relief that you are finly getting to a place of feeling complete. I'm so happy for you and I pray all goes smoothly.
Mikimi in Israel
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