TT is scheduled!

Vicki D.
on 10/7/12 11:12 am - Sweet Home, OR
I went in last Thursday for a consult for a BL/BA and just happened to ask about a TT  (didn't think I could swing that) and came out with a surgery date for a full TT!  I even paid a non-refundable deposit so I am set for Dec. 11th and couldn't be more excited.  Breasts will have to wait a little while but that is okay with me :).
Vicki D.
on 10/7/12 12:11 pm
Congrats, Vicki.

I had my arms and breasts done first ( at the time I thought it would be my only plastic procedure) but looking back, it would have been better to do the tummy tuck first.

You can lift the girls with good underwear, the tummy is harder to disguise.
Also, getting the core done first will probably make the breast surgery easier when you are ready for it.

You are gonna LOVE having a flat tummy!!!

on 10/8/12 1:39 pm
I know how excited you must feel.

Just wanted to let you know that I too had a TT last it!  When I went in for my consult I was also thinking of getting a BL/BA at the same time.  After the consult I decided that my girls didn't look that bad to justify that much extra money and I would be fine in a really good bra.  But after the boobs look so much better.  So many people have asked me if I also got a boob job.  The flatter stomach just makes the boobs look alot better. I kind of feel like I got a free boob job too...

Just thought I would share and maybe that will happen to you too!

good luck...It was a tough surgery I won't lie to you but I would do it again in a my new tummy!

My weight loss journey                                                    
Vicki D.
on 10/8/12 1:58 pm - Sweet Home, OR
I am so hoping that happens to me :).  Really, my tummy is what I wanted done and I can keep wearing padded bra's...I'm okay with that!  I expect pain but I believe it will all be worth it.  I really am so excited but now hate that it is 2 months away LOL.
Vicki D.
on 10/8/12 2:58 pm - Mashpee, MA
 Congratulations Vicki!  I'm 3 weeks out from lbl and medial thigh lift.  I'm thrilled with my results. I plan on BL/ba and arms next Spring.  The recovery is difficult but doable. Good luck!
 First goal reached at one year.    
 "What is, is. What will be, is what you make it."  Unknown

on 10/9/12 2:44 pm

Spend the next 2 months getting plenty of protein and strengthening your core as much as possible.

I will say that a rented remote controlled recliner was my best friend for the month after my tummy tuck.

I also relied on my walking stick to help me stand up and get my balance for the first week or so.

The time will be here before you know it!!!

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