Belt Lipectomy (360 LBL) tomorrow - - nervous and scared!

on 10/28/12 4:12 am

Welp, my turn has come!  Tomorrow at 7 a.m. I'll be having my belt lipectomy with abdominoplasty! Otherwise known as a lower body lift.  He will be cutting as low as possible, all the way around my hips and from the pubic bone up to just between my breasts.   I'll also be getting my muscles stitched if necessary.  Surgeon says there's an estimated "at least 20 lbs" and that I'll come close to his record of 33 but he's sure I wont beat the record (unless we were doing arms and thighs too, arms and thighs he says there's another 10) 


I'm SO nervous and scared!  I'm smaller than I've ever been to begin with which is a size 10/12 or 34'' at my hips. What the heck am I gonna look like under all this?!  I don't even know what it's like to lay on my side without the "kickstand tummy" holding me up!  


Moreso, what scares me is the thought of the pain.  I was doing fine until all the preop nurses were telling me: "you know this is going to HURT right?" and "do you know about pain management, you can take pain pills right? Because this is going to HURT" or " what are you having done? *looks at paper* OUCH, thats gonna hurt!" .......

Really people? Like I wasnt scared enough?!  I mean I have faith in my surgeon that he will manage the pain properly I just hope that the pain medicine they use FIRST is the one that works for me!  All of my surgeries have been laproscopic so far except my back surgery back in 2002 and that was only a 3'' cut.  The one that hurt the most was my gallbladder surgery because the nurse forgot to turn on the demorol pump....  even then I said "ouch" and within seconds the meds were pumped in and working.  I KNOW in my heart that the team of professionals will keep me controlled but my head is poking me with the "what if" situations.   -_- wishing I had taken the ativan!

All in all, I'll have my husband post for me once I'm out more than likely!


RNY - August 13, 2010

LBL - October 29, 2012

 a total of 271 lbs lost!!

A. C
on 10/28/12 9:05 am

You will be amazed!  It will take awhile to heal.  Use the pain meds, do not let your pain get out of control.  You are going to be fine!  Look at the reward at the end of this journey!

Rest & drink water & walk....

(deactivated member)
on 10/28/12 9:53 am

Best of luck to you! I understand your nerves, I would be nervous too.  Just remember to ask for meds even when you are not hurting to stay in front of the pain. Best of luck and sending healing prayers your way!




(deactivated member)
on 10/28/12 11:20 pm

Good luck today! :)

Kim S.
on 10/29/12 12:28 am - Helena, AL

Thinking of you today!  I know you'll be so excited with the results.  I'm right behind you....LBL and BL on November 9th!!  Keep us posted.

on 10/30/12 1:12 pm

Best wishes to you on a speedy recovery! :)








(deactivated member)
on 11/1/12 4:35 am

Thinking of you! The first 3 days were horrible pain wise for me. I had serious buyer's remorse... but the 4th day was lots better and the 5th even better... It will pass. Remember to keep up on your meds and take it easy :)

Lots of healing thoights your way!

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