Suggestions for insurance coverage for Panni removal

on 11/12/12 11:12 pm - East Lansing, MI

I have BCBS PPO in MI.  I have to meet 3 criteria in order for the insurance co. to cover the panni removal.  I meet the first 2, but the 3rd requirement is that I have to have documentation from a Dermatologist that intertrigo, ulcerations, or tissue necrosis is unresponsive to conservative therapy caused by the large panniculus.  Unfortunately, I have psorasis in the skin folds near my groin that are unresponsive to creams even though every where else on my body has cleared from the ointments.  BCBS will not accept a psorasis diagnosis. 

Any suggestions? 


on 11/13/12 1:09 am

My insurance said the same thing about ulcers rashes etc. 


I just did a little research on bcbs michigan and you might want to fight this. Legally, its in the books that you dont have to have ulcers and such...just chronic back pain...




. The panniculus is so large that it causes uncontrolled intertrigo (which is unresponsive to  conservative therapy including topical drying agents, corticosteroids and appropriate antibiotics), skin ulceration, skin necrosis or chronic intractable low back pain;  *****   This is what got my full belt lipectomy paid for here in california.... that word "OR" right before chronic intractable low back pain... I didnt have rashes but I do have back pain.   Here's a link to the file and its on page 3...   Do some research - the wording for bcbs michigan seems a lot like mine was... I pointed out to the judge all these definitions and such in a letter I wrote.  I was denied twice by my insurance (blue cross medi-cal) so I took it to my appeal I wrote a personal letter pointing out all the legalities in the patient medical policy. Judges and lawyers like it when you've done all the work for them lol  


RNY - August 13, 2010

LBL - October 29, 2012

 a total of 271 lbs lost!!

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