This hurts way more than I thought

on 11/18/12 7:28 am

I am 6 days out from a panni surgery. I have had a couple of surgeries in my past, but this one is knocking me on my ass. I don't think anyone could have told me about how much this was going to hurt. I am sure I will look back in about a month and be happy. Right now I am in pain...


H.W 270 S.W 252 C.W 195 G.W 170

on 11/18/12 8:31 am

Sorry you are hurting.

i remember that my tummy tuck hurt worse than I thought but it was so worth it.

It helped me to take a Benadryl with my pain meds.  It helped me sleep better and when I slept I was not in pain.

take care, it gets better!!!


on 11/18/12 12:25 pm

Thanks for the tip, I will try that tonite.


H.W 270 S.W 252 C.W 195 G.W 170

on 11/18/12 9:28 pm
Thank you for Honestly sharing your experience. I am sorry you are in so much pain. I hope you find some relief soon. I plan to have lbl surgery the beginning of next year, and am worried about the pain and drains even though I know I will be glad I had the surgery. Take care! Wishing you a speedier recovery!
on 11/19/12 12:30 am - Granada Hills, CA

Talk to your doc about better pain management options. I had my arms, BL/BA, LBL with an anchor cut and long thigh lift on 11/16 and while i'm not exactly comfortable, the pain isn't that bad. You dont have to suffer! - my journey to sexy skinny bitch status

11/16/12 - Got my Body by Sauceda - arms, Bl/BA, LBL, thigh lift. 

HW 420/ SW 335 /CW 200    85 lbs lost pre-op / 135 post op


Brooke F.
on 11/19/12 3:22 am, edited 11/19/12 11:23 am - CA
I'm 4 weeks out today from my abdominoplasty, I will say that first week was .hell. but it got better as each day went on! I stopped taking the narcotic pain meds around day 10/11 during the day and took them at night before bed because my pain intensified at night....I did that for a few days. I have not taken them in two weeks. I've taken an occasional Tylenol if I've had pain.

I can't wrap my head around the people that boast they have "no pain" because I just don't see how that's even possible. This is a painful recovery! It DOES hurt, but it DOES get better

Hang in there!!
on 12/5/12 10:27 pm
I am so glad to find your post. I am 10 days out and in pain at night. The meds help. I tried to sleep on my bed but had to head back to the couch after waking up in severe discomfort and pain. During the day I am good just get tired quickly.
on 11/19/12 2:07 pm

I'm sorry to hear you're hurting so much! Been there doing that but not horrible.

I'm 3 weeks post op and to be honest, I didnt have hardly any pain the first 2 weeks because I was on a strict pain med schedule! Now that I'm weined off the Norco...oh my....OUCH.  

I hope you get your pain under control and can get some rest!


RNY - August 13, 2010

LBL - October 29, 2012

 a total of 271 lbs lost!!

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