Tummy tuck rescheduled...TAKE YOUR VITAMINS!

Vicki D.
on 12/5/12 6:00 am - Sweet Home, OR

It's my own fault, but my tummy tuck that was scheduled for Dec. 11th is now rescheduled until March 9th.  I haven't been very good about taking my vitamins since having GB 6 yrs ago, actually I've been TERRIBLE!   Well, my pre-op labs show that I am severely anemic and they are not in favor of doing the procedure until my numbers come up significantly.  Since I am doing a same-day surgery, I want to be as healthy as possible going into it so I don't require an overnight hospital stay which we can't afford so I would have to cancel.

Point of this message...take care of yourself!  Take your vitamins, make sure to get your protein...be HEALTHY.  Isn't that why we all lost weight to begin with?

So, my wait begins again and I am faithfully following my doctors orders!

Vicki D.
on 12/5/12 7:14 am - TX

Sorry about the delay, but you are right, it is so important to take your vitamins.  Just curious....why did you stop taking them?  Were you having an adverse reaction to them???  Just curious bc the importance of taking your vitamins post RNY can't be stressed enough.  They are a necessary thing for LIFE.  Please let us know and I am glad that you are rescheduling for a time when you will be able to withstand the surgery.  March will be here before you know it :-)  Keep us posted on how you are doing.

HW: 328   GW: 164  CW: 159  Height - 5' 8"  
GOAL REACHED 12/15/2012!!!!!!!!!

RNY Surgery Date:  6/21/11  
LBL/BL  - 11/6/2012 Arm Lift with Abdominal Lipo - 12/11/2012 - Dr. Paul PIn
Love me without restriction, trust me without fear, want me without demand and accept me for who I am.         - unknown - 



Vicki D.
on 12/5/12 8:46 am - Sweet Home, OR
On December 5, 2012 at 3:14 PM Pacific Time, SweetLilyAnn wrote:

Sorry about the delay, but you are right, it is so important to take your vitamins.  Just curious....why did you stop taking them?  Were you having an adverse reaction to them???  Just curious bc the importance of taking your vitamins post RNY can't be stressed enough.  They are a necessary thing for LIFE.  Please let us know and I am glad that you are rescheduling for a time when you will be able to withstand the surgery.  March will be here before you know it :-)  Keep us posted on how you are doing.

I don't know that I have a real reason for stopping taking them, other than taking mass amounts of anything is just so uncomfortable.  If I didn't like the after taste I would just stop instead of finding something else that worked.  I KNOW (and have always known) that I need to take them for life.  I have really beat myself up over this but all I can do now is move forward and follow the program!   I was amazed when reading about anemia as to how many symptoms I've had from low iron and just didn't know it or seek medical attention (or in a couple of cases I did go to the doctor but anemia wasn't the diagnosis).

The good thing is that I CAN make better choices now and plan to be very diligent about getting my body the nutrients that it needs.  I will get this :)! 

Vicki D.
on 12/5/12 10:27 am - Granada Hills, CA

Sorry to hear that you had to reschedule but you do want to be as healthy as possible. My pre-op labs were great and I was in really good physical shape and I think it has made my recovery a lot easier. 


Good luck with the vitamin taking :)

www.sexyskinnybitch.wordpress.com - my journey to sexy skinny bitch status

11/16/12 - Got my Body by Sauceda - arms, Bl/BA, LBL, thigh lift. 

HW 420/ SW 335 /CW 200    85 lbs lost pre-op / 135 post op


Laura in Texas
on 12/5/12 7:02 pm

Sorry to hear about your delay. Lesson learned, I'm sure. A lot of things had to fall into place at just the right time for my plastic surgery. I made sure I was doing my part so my labs were good when the time came.

Thanks for sharing your story so that others can remember to take their vitamins and supplements!!

Laura in Texas

53 years old; 5'7" tall; HW: 339 (BMI=53); GW: 140 CW: 170 (BMI=27)

RNY: 09-17-08 Dr. Garth Davis

brachioplasty: 12-18-09 Dr. Wainwright; lbl/bl: 06-28-11 Dr. LoMonaco

"May your choices reflect your hopes and not your fears."

Kim S.
on 12/5/12 10:26 pm - Helena, AL

The past is the past....you've learned...now be good!  Also, make sure you are taking the correct amounts throughout the day to ensure you can correct a deficiency.  Taking the normal "maintenance" amount will not fix the deficiency.  Oh, and remember, do not take your calcium with your iron....wait at least 2 hours.

I had great labs and was very healthy (physically from lots of exercise) which I believe contributed to my speedy recovery.  If you aren't exercising, now would be a good time to start so you'll be in tip top shape for surgery!  Hang in there, it will be worth the wait.

on 12/7/12 10:42 am - Crestview, FL

I'm sorry!  That was a hard reminder lesson.  I applaud you for taking ownership of your actions and for taking the time to share your story and remind people who may be slacking off because 'life happens' and we get busy to stay on top of their health plan.

Blessings and wishes sent that the next 3 months go fast for you!!


I am creating my own revolution and PAMdemonium reigns!

RNY 11/16/2010

SW 270, CW 155, GW 135

1st 5k time 40:34 (Dec 2013)





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