Binder Question

on 5/29/13 2:50 am - MI

I'm having a LBL in a week. I'm looking at photos of binders and I'm confused. Seems the scars will be much lower than the binder. Does it cover the actual procedure? They seem to end at the hips but the cuts will be below the hips. ???


RNY: 9/3/2008     LBL: 6/5/2013

on 5/29/13 4:31 am

Did they specifically tell you to buy a binder?  I had a tummy tuck and wore a garment that fit like a high rise girdle that had a zipper and hooks up the side for ease of getting into and hooks at the crotch to go to the bathroom.  I would think something like that would be more appropriate.  I got my garment from the marena group as recommended by my PS.  But not all PSs want the same things.

Laura in Texas
on 5/29/13 6:03 am

I had one like THIS, but my surgeon supplied it. It was crotchless, and had hooks and zippers on both sides. Very easy to get in and out of. I loved it.

Laura in Texas

53 years old; 5'7" tall; HW: 339 (BMI=53); GW: 140 CW: 170 (BMI=27)

RNY: 09-17-08 Dr. Garth Davis

brachioplasty: 12-18-09 Dr. Wainwright; lbl/bl: 06-28-11 Dr. LoMonaco

"May your choices reflect your hopes and not your fears."

P. Poster
on 5/29/13 8:10 am

I have two of the Marena "corsets" and I do love them (definitely get the crotchless ones, MUCH easier), but I found even once I got the right size, it doesnt provide enough counter pressure on my abdomen to make me comfortable and help keep the swelling down.  For that, I have two different binders I use OVER the corset.  One for day use that is more rigid and I can adjust with three wide straps that velcro over my abdomen.  The other is the one I sleep in, and its what they wrapped me in after my LBL.  Its more flexible so more comfy to sleep in, but it can still be wrapped tight enough to make me comfortable.  Both of the binders cover the incision, and go a few inches down my thighs.  They cover my mons as well, which is great because that and my lower abdomen are where swelling is the worst (this is normal Im told). 

This is like the one I use for daytime-

This is like the one I use for sleep- but mine is more like an Ace Bandage type material, very elastic, thin, breatheable. 

I dont pull mine all the way up to my breasts like they show in the pic.  Mine sits about half way down my ribcage, so that it covers my incision and all the areas I experience swelling.  It stays in place well.  No rolling or bunching.

on 6/4/13 2:16 am - MI

Surgeon is providing it and I'm supposed to wake up with it on, and leave it on for the 1st week.

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