drs appt today - just a rant

on 4/26/11 8:53 pm - Noxapater, MS
Today I'm 34 wks and 6 days.  Going early this morning for another glucose test....which made me MISERABLE last time.  It is very hard for lap band patients to drink that much liquid in such a short amount of time and for me, I'm so much tighter in the am that its REALLY hard.  Last time, I nearly threw most of it up...and I failed and had to do the 3 hr test where I ate; then I passed that one.  On my last visit, my MD was in a Csec so I saw the nurse practitioner and tried to explain this to her, but she wouldn't listen.  I had also lost weight again last appt, but she told me I needed to go on a diet because of my size.

Anyway, after the glucose test which I DREAD, I will see the dr (hopefully the dr and not the nurse prac).  Then off to my weekly non stress tests and biophysical profile ultrasounds.  I dread those too.  The hospital that I go to (which is the only one he delivers at)....well, I have not been impressed with the nurses there.  All but one nurse has been very rude to me.  Just dread the whole thing. 

Sorry for my complaining....I try not to make a habit of that.  I waited so long for this baby and I'm truly grateful for her!!!!  Just dreading the day ahead.  Hope you all have a good day!

on 4/26/11 11:35 pm - Laßnitzhöhe, Austria
As a Nurse Practitioner, I'm sorry to hear that you had such a bad experience and I am appalled that she said you need to diet.  NO ONE should be told to diet during pregnancy.  eat healthy, yes... exercise.... yes....  But to say 'diet' to a pregnant women can lead to a whole mess of problems!!  When I was pregnant with my first child I weight 335 pounds.  I thought I SHOULD diet, doctor said absolutely not... healthful eating and diet after the pregnancy!

Why are they making you go through another glucose test??

I hope the BPP goes well, and hope you encounter a kind and compasionate nurse!  All people in the hosptial for any testing deserve kindness and respect no matter what!!

I wish you all the best!
on 4/27/11 12:45 am
RNY on 08/16/05 with
Sorry you have to go through all that! Just think, by this evening it will all be over for this round.

Why can't they just poke your finger on a regular basis? That's what I had done...I know we're all different, but, jeez...

Complain all you want....we'll listen....

Best wishes,

RNY 08/16/05
Weight day of surgery 222
Lost 100 pounds in about 10 months

Pre-pregnancy weight 126
Delivery day weight 166
Currently 118
Baby Gage born 11/02/10
Angie C.
on 4/27/11 1:33 am
My Dr. had me do a fasting test.. they gave me a list of things to eat for breakfast and then tested my blood sugar. It was more food than I could eat in the 30 min they gave me, but they said it was ok and it showed i had low levels.

RNY 4/17/2009- 130 lbs lost!    

~Pregnant with 3rd girl! Due 10/8/14 and keeping right on track!~ 
~Baby Grace Fay was born 3/20/2011! 6 lbs, 18 inches and doing great! ~
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

on 4/27/11 3:28 am
I was going to say the same thing Linda said...even though I'm in no way shape or form a medical anything...I'm shocked the NP would even fix her face to tell you to diet. 

I'd be *****y when going back and just make it known that you will not see anyone but the dr.  If that means re-scheduling if he's called out to a delivery and the NP is the only one available...so be it.  You're the patient...you're the one paying (even if via insurance).  They're not paying YOU to be there, so make sure you're getting what you pay for. 

Don't borrow worries regarding the delivery.  Hopefully the nurse who has not been rude to you will be on shift...and if not, then hopefully they'll at least be professional and take care of you and your little one. 

 January 2008, 
               July 2008
               December 2008  
               July 2009
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               July 2011

Mom to Khaled

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