Weight Gain and Mental Issues

on 3/1/14 5:57 am - Camby, IN

I'm suffering from complete panic. I'm 13 weeks and up 10 pounds. I'm 3 years out from RNY but I had a revision in September last year due to horrific ulcers. I should not be gaining this much weight this fast but I am always hungry and not having any issues with eating like I did before. Help me. I need some friendly words of guidance to get me back on track. 

Follow me on my blog!!! www.fittingmethin.blogspot.com


on 3/12/14 1:24 am, edited 3/12/14 1:26 am

It is a real mind game!  With my first post op pregnancy, I only gained about 18 lbs. With this one, I started ten lbs lighter than last time and currently weigh more than I did when I delivered last time. So, I've gained over 30 lbs. Weirdly I still look good and it seems like all belly. Not sure how things will pan out after the baby is born, but I'm trying really hard not to freak out!  I've had moments of panic, but just have to remind myself my sleeve will still work after baby and I'll get back where I was. Congrats, and good luck. 

~ Paula
HW/SW/Original Goal/CW/New Goal 
Post WLS baby, born 11/10/11 and 3/20/14

on 3/12/14 3:40 am - Springfield, OH

Oh I am right there with you!  I am currently 28 weeks and I am just 2 years post op on the 19th of March.  I was almost to my goal when I found out and I was a bit heart broken (not gonna lie.)  Every ounce I gain I am terrified that I am stuck with that number on the scale.  I hate gaining and it does do a number on your mind.  I am still very active and watch what I eat 80% of the time.  I mean let's be real, we do have cravings.  We can do this....right?  I am on Myfitness pal tracking and you can friend me there for more support.  LadyG0915

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