Pouch and anastomic dilation prevention

on 6/13/13 11:11 pm

I am almost 2 years out from my RNYGB.  I can eat a lot more foods now and not get sick or dumping. I don't have problems with getting food stuck or vomitting.  I know the number one thing I can do to prevent pouch and anastomic dilation is continue to have proper portions, however it seems I am back to sometimes not feeling fully satisfied.  Other times, I will adhere strictly to great portion sizes and calorie consumption and 2 hours later I feel so hungry like I haven't eaten all day.  Also, sometimes it seems the healthier I eat, the hungrier I am.  What is going on?  I see tons of people having revisions after only a few years and I really don't ever want there to be a reason (on MY part) for a revision to be warranted.  I did one VERY EXPENSIVE surgery for LIFE...  Help!!  Thoughts??  Suggestions???

on 6/15/13 12:24 pm - Davison, MI

Did you post this on the RNY boards? I didn't have a RNY but, I do spend lots of time here.  At two years out you no longer mal-absorb calories but, you do always mal-absorb nutrients.  So it is very important to have a handle of what your BMR is and to stay under it for the weight you want to maintain.  Hopefully you can get some help from a RNYer.

BAND REMOVED 9-4-12-fought insurance to get sleeve and won! Sleeved 1/22/13! Five years out and trying to get that last 15 pounds back off.

on 6/17/13 4:00 am

No, I haven't posted on RNY board yet, but doing now.... Thank you... 

on 6/18/13 1:30 pm - Davison, MI

Good luck!  Hope you got the help you needed.

BAND REMOVED 9-4-12-fought insurance to get sleeve and won! Sleeved 1/22/13! Five years out and trying to get that last 15 pounds back off.

on 6/21/13 8:50 am - in the forest........., MO
Revision on 09/30/13

Before you jump the gun and automatically assume that it is your portion size or what you are eating you would be wise to have some studies done on the internal anatomy of your previous RNY surgery.  I had my surgery years ago and enjoyed WONDERFUL TREMENDOUS success.  I had noticed even right out of surgery that I never had that 'restricted' feeling like everyone told me to expect, even when doing my swallow test before discharge even.  As the years went by I continued to watch my portion size and stuck to protein first.


Long story short I ended up in the hospital for another medical situation (4 level cervical neck fusion) from an old injury.  It was to stabilize my unstable and growing progressive decrepit neck.  Surgery went fine but my neuros partner's PA discharged me and gave me some meds that I shouldn't of had.  I ended back up in the same hospital days after discharge near death.  Complete Adrenal failure.  As in kaput non functioning.  I have been on long term HIGH DOSE steroids to replace what my adrenals don't make and that has led to a cascade of other maladies that I never ever suffered from.  Insulin injectable chemically induced diabetes, thyroid/pituitary issues and I won't even go where the long term high dose steroids have ballooned me to the size of the Michelin Man and they created two Massive Bilateral Pulmonary Emboli and a asteroid belt of smaller emboli that filled both my lungs.  Survived another bullet this past Feb with those.  

During that hospital stay I HAD to have an upper and lower GI done and I asked the Radiologist while he was in there to please check out my old RNY surgery as I NEVER have had restriction from day one...   and guess what?  Normal pouch size although he said it was a tiny bit bigger than he had seen typically...  but where they attached the new bowel limb to my lower pouch ... NO RESTRICTION... shoooooooooooooooooooooting straight through ...always wondered why I was so prone to dumping early out... well now I know.....


So paperwork in to Dr. Hoehn up here in KC that does revisions... waiting on my appt.  


Soooooooooooo  I would have someone check out your innards and see if you aren't having some plumbing issues...  I'm not the first nor will I be the last that has dealt with this.  Dr. Hoehn's staff said that sometimes surgeons don't make the pouch or the Re-anastamosis tight enough or small enough because they are scared of strictures...and it ends up failing the patient early out...   he said a lot has to do with the expertise of the surgeon and how comfortable he is doing the surgery...  it is a fine line.. too tight strictures..not tight enough..failure down the road.....


Best of wishes !



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