Anyone experiencing trouble sleeping after surgery?

on 6/29/13 3:45 pm - TX
Revision on 07/03/13

I had revision surgery on Wednesday and have had trouble sleeping ever since.  The hospital staff gave me something to help me sleep for the 2 nights I was an inpatient, but even after coming home I can't seem to relax and get a good night's sleep.  Any suggestions would be appreciated.

on 6/30/13 1:29 am - Palatine, IL
VSG on 05/20/13
OMG, yes yes yes! For me I would purposely take my pain medicine late. Then I realized I probably didn't need it anymore. So, I talked to one of my doctors I talk to for anxiety. She said it could be a reaction from the anastesia (sp?). It can effect your sleep. I ended up getting a prescription for Lorazepam. I have only had to take 1/2 pill at night. It relaxes me enough to where I can fall asleep. I had this same problem after I had me daughter (although I didn't have anestesia). This has helped both times and was not permanent. You can also try ZzzzQuill (it is newer, same as Nyquil without the cold medicine, just the sleep aid)


on 6/30/13 8:22 am - TX
Revision on 07/03/13

Thanks!  I think I'm going to try some Benadryl too.


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