Revision from Sleeve to RNY due to GERD and gastroparesis

on 11/6/15 2:05 pm - Annapolis, MD

I had sleeve done in Spain in 2008 (planned on DS but due to being SMO and adhesions from prior abdominal surgery couldn't do more at that time).  I have maintained a 260 pound loss.  Developed GERD and gastroparesis post WLS.  After consultation with my original surgeon (Baltasar in Spain) a GI Motility specialist (Ellen Stein at Hopkins) I am scheduled to see Schweitzer at Hopkins regarding a Sleeve to RNY revision.  Anyone have a similar situation/experience of revision NOT for weight loss reasons?  Any input would be greatly appreciated! 

Zee Starrlite
on 11/7/15 4:43 pm

Because I am 4+ years post op, I am always most interested in longer term VSG.  VSG to RNY seems to be the trend for acid issues.

 I worry for my future, so whenever someone posts this need (Sleeve to RNY), I skim through their profile and old posts.  What was apparent in yours was the extreme amount of restriction you had even 3 years post-op, having a hard time transitioning to solids, and staying on liquids until 8mos post-op.  Then your terrible acid reflux. I remember around 2008 surgeon's were doing super sleeves - is that what you have?

Anyway it is not uncommon to have this revision.  You will be fine.  I had a brief encounter with acid reflux when I had my Lap Band.  No way I could live that way.  I never lost all nor most of my excess weight but knock on wood no issues at all with reflux.  I made that "mistake" of asking that my sleeve be made a little looser simply because I feared reflux.  


Good luck with everything. Please update us.  It's good to know how we longer post ops asre doing.?



3/30/2005 Lap Band installed  12/20/2010  Lap Band REMOVED  
6/6/2011 Vertical SLEEVE Gastrectomy

on 11/8/15 1:58 pm - Calgary, Alberta, Canada
VSG on 10/15/12

I certainly don't want to derail the OP, but wondering what you mean by 'super sleeve'?  I've never heard that term before. 



Ht: 5'2" |  HW 225, BMI 41.2  |  CW 115, BMI 21.0

Zee Starrlite
on 11/8/15 4:37 pm

Just a very small sleeve.


3/30/2005 Lap Band installed  12/20/2010  Lap Band REMOVED  
6/6/2011 Vertical SLEEVE Gastrectomy

on 11/9/15 8:17 am - Annapolis, MD

My sleeve was 50cc post op.  It was intended to be part of a regular DS -- although adhesions and my large size made the switch part impossible at the time so I don't think it was any sort of "super" sleeve.  Of the thousands of surgeries performed by Dr Baltasar I am only 1 of 2 patients that developed gastro paresis post op (it is also a condition that runs in my family).  

Zee Starrlite
on 11/10/15 7:44 am

Awww, I just wish you well.  You've done amazing!  I am sure that the RNY will help you with both the GERD and the gastroparesis.

I think I am just traumatized by my own issues with the Lap Band.  I need to not worry about anything that could possibly happen and just move ahead.  Life is short!  We do what we need to if ever the moment comes.

The best to you,



3/30/2005 Lap Band installed  12/20/2010  Lap Band REMOVED  
6/6/2011 Vertical SLEEVE Gastrectomy

on 7/11/16 11:57 am
VSG on 06/28/12



I hope you are well. I just came across your post and wonder if you could please provide an update.  Did you follow through with the revision?  What factors were there to consider?  How significant was your GERD (or how bad must it be to  have the surgeon consider the revision to RNY)?  Any info you can share will be great. Thank you in advance.

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