Tightening the Stoma (Recovery Q's)

on 11/18/17 4:38 pm

No I am not that brave..I was merely stating that he would like to try this to shrink the stoma. He had said he had seen research on it, but I do not recall ever hearing of anything like this. I was questioning if anyone had? If they had what was it called and the results from said ablation. Or if anyone had success in having a stoma reduction? What did they have done and procedure name so I could research all types of options available to me at this point. I am sorry I am not willing to be a guinea pig..:) I like life.. As for Keto diet and exercise I have been on Keto now since July..I lost 5 lbs. I walk when I can, having Achilles tendinitis issues now and in a boot.. now walking for a month. I have been working really hard but I am not satiated like I used to be and feel starved all the time. I am told by Gastro it is because the Stoma enlarged so much that my stomach empties very rapidly. My pouch is within normal ranges it is the bottom that has enlarged.

H.A.L.A B.
on 11/19/17 9:35 am

Hugs. That sucks- enlarged stoma. I don't know any procedure, beside completely redoing the pouch, that would shrink the stoma. I am really sorry to hear that out are dealing with that.

My doc made average stoma, but he reinforced the stoma with "special sutures?" That is supposed to prevent stoma enlargement. I vaguely remember him talking about that during the early seminar we had before surgery. My stoma was never very small, but it kept the shape over the years. A portion on my small intestine, right after the stoma is enlarged, stretched, to the diameter of the stoma. That probably from me overeating at times, or drinking with foods, or not chewing well enough, or drinking too early after eating (too early is relative). But I was told this is typical for most RNY long term post op.

Keto diet since July with only 5 lbs lost is not very promising. But - when I eat keto, I have very little appetite. So when I eat keto- I also limit calories naturally.

For me to lose my last 10 lbs of regain - not I not I did keto-paleo (no dairy, grains, soy, etc), but I also followed IF protocol, "fasting" 14-18 hours in every 24 hours, and eating only during 6-10 hours, or less. Plus exercise during fasting time - in the morning.

I would eat late dinner, then not eat - or drink any calories until at least lunch. The IF I started doing to help with my IBS - not really weigh loss, but weight loss was unexpected side effect. I actually lost more than I intended. If am currently at least 5 lbs below where I would like to be. But they IF really helped with pain and cramps due to IBS-C. I had to increase my carbs from veggies and fruits to stop losing.

Google IF - intermittent fasting. Who knows, maybe that would help you? I started losing weight on that app 2 months after I was on it. Like if my body needed time to do a reset to start burning more fat than carbohydrates.

I also make sure I drunk at least 120oz of liquid during the day, plus don't get constipated.

Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG

"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"

"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."

on 11/18/17 12:05 pm

I had my surgery in April 2005) I have just recently been told the same thing.. enlarged stoma..What did you eventually do to have it revised?

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