Wound Care?

on 3/23/11 9:51 pm
 Hi Everyone,
   Thanks in advance for your help!
    I seem to be healing fine (one week post-op) but wasn't advised at all about how to care for the incisions.  
    -- OK to wash?  (I assume that, have been... but!  Why don't they tell you this stuff?!?)
    -- Should I use antibiotic ointment?
    -- There will be scars, undoubtedly.  Ways/suggestions to minimize it once healed?

Cicerogirl, The PhD

on 3/23/11 9:56 pm - OH
I had an open incision (8") and was told to clean it gently daily with an antibacterial soap (e.g, Dial) NOT to use antibiotic cream or ointment on it.  (I was told the same after my plastic surgeries.)


14 years out; 190 pounds lost, 165 pound loss maintained

You don't drown by falling in the water. You drown by staying there.

on 3/23/11 10:58 pm
I had my surgery on the 17th and was told to take bandages off of them to help heal and when I shower, do not soak them or wash them until the dr says ok. She said they want them to get dried up and itchy. It's unavoidable getting them wet in the shower but as long as you're not "facing" the shower and soaking them you should be fine and then ask your doc at your post op appt. I was told to put no ointments or anything on them. That's what I was told anyways. Yours may be different but if you're unsure I'd call the surgeon's office. The hospital should have sent you home with those kinds of instructions. Best of luck to you!
on 3/24/11 12:22 am - Cottage Grove, MN
Getting them wet in the shower won't hurt your incisions...just don't scrub them, or rub soap on them. Running water alone won't bother them at all, be gentle with the towel too.
on 3/24/11 12:35 am - Germantown, MD
 Very good question!! I wonder, once scars are closed up, who is in favor of using Mederma to reduce the appearance of the scars???

First ultra: Stone Mill 50 miler 11/15/14 13:44:38, First Full Marathon: Marine Corps 10/27/13 4:57:11Half Marathon PR 2:04:43 at Shamrock VA Beach Half-Marathon, 12/2/12 First Half-Marathon 2:32:47, 5K PR  Run Under the Lights 5K 27:23 on 11/23/13, 10K PR 52:53 Pike's Peek 10K 4/21/13(1st timed run) Accumen 8K 51:09 10/14/12.


on 3/26/11 4:57 am
 Hi, N! 
Thanks for posting this.  I'd never heard of Mederma before, will check it out!  I've always used vitamin e oil (like from the capsules, though I'd love to find a bottle of the same quality of Vit E so that I wouldn't have to keep poking capsules and squeezing tiny drops out.  The next thing I know I'm finding the empty shells/carcusses of vitamin e caps EVERYWHERE!
Thanks again.  
Tia Lee C.
on 3/24/11 4:23 am - Hinesville, GA
 We were told it was fine to get them wet and wash as long as we weren't rubbing them cause it would irritate them.  After about 1.5 weeks I started using neosporin and put lotion on about 10x a day literally.  Idk what they will end up looking like but I am not disappointed yet!  GL!
on 3/24/11 12:33 pm - Rochester, NY
I was told I could gently "wash" them by letting soapy water run over them. No ointment or lotion on them until COMPLETELY healed, which took almost 5 weeks for the one that had the drain. Afterwards I was told I could use lotion on them to minimize the scarring.
on 3/26/11 4:52 am
 Thanks, everyone for your thoughtful responses!  Such good info.  For instance, good to know they are SUPPOSED to be a little itcy.  LOL.  Also, have been TRYING not to rub or scratch them.

I'll worry about the scarring after they are healed...

I'm excited to go back to water aerobics.  I've heard 7 days; 10 days; 2 wks. before getting in the water.  Time is flying by now! I'll be two weeks post op on Mar. 30.  -- probably won't be ready before then, anywyay.  I"m just wondering though, at 2wks post op, how will I know if I'm healed enough?

I appreciate your help so much!  I really haven't had a support person (BIG mistake, didn't know how big a mistake, that's another story) but the bottom line is, it has just all been too much for me to absorb, learn and remember on my own.  So, thanks to you all for your patience with my questions and for your care & support!

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